BP Oil Spill

Hey everyone whos reading this blog,

This blog post I’m writing about is the BP Oil Spill that happened on April 20th, 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico. What happened was the Deepwater Horizon, a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit, exploded according to the build up of abnormal pressure. There were a total of 126 people on board, 11 died, 17 people were injured, and the other 98 people survived with no injuries. The oil spill was eventually stopped on July 15th, 2010, and by then there was about 4.9 million gallons of oil in the water! Now, if my math is right, thats about 86 days of oil being constantly poured out into the Gulf of Mexico. I hate to sound like a jerk, but does it take 86 days to plug the oil spill?

I feel really bad about the oil spill, beause the enviroment around the Gulf of Mexico has been basically destroyed from the oil. I know the BP is trying their hardest maybe, but underneath the water, there is also so much oil that has yet to be found by BP and will require much more time to gather back up. I think everyone should try and help in someway, wether it be donate some money to a cause that is actively helping out or just to support the cleaning of the Gulf of , I think everyone can help out in their own litle way.

But the most impact that this oil spill had is the economy. Millions and millions of dollars are being poured into this accident trying to find a way to fix this enviromental problem.

The video listed above shows what happened with Deepwater Horizon, and what engineers are trying to do.

This video shows HOW much oil was spilt from the spill. As you can see, the oil spreaded a lot within a day, and continued to spread until it was finally plugged.




  1. I think you gave us just enough information to get us interested in the topic, so we’d want to go research it more ourselves.

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