Generator Lab

Last week in class we conducted an experiment measuring the voltage output of a generator.  To do this we shook the generator, a small tube containing a magnet that traveled across coiled wires, in 30 second intervals at various speeds.  This experiment tested Faraday’s Law, which states changing magnetic flux through coiled wired will generate electricity and the greater the change in magnetic fluxes, the more electricity is generated.  We then had to record the number of shakes and the voltage output of the generator and graph the sum of the square of voltage in relation to the number of shakes in an Excel file. The most difficult part of this was counting how many times we shook the generator.  Our results proved Faraday’s Law because the voltage output of the generator increased with the number of shakes.  I would have liked to have included our exact data results and the graph showing them in this blog post, however, the Excel file containing our results would not open on my computer.


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