My group and I decided on an experiment called “A Good Sock”, which tested the insulation properties of socks. Insulation creates a barrier between areas of different temperatures. By creating a barrier between areas of different temperatures, heat or cold air is not allowed to escape or enter an area. This allows us to keep an area at a certain temperature for a longer period of time, without using as much energy. This is how it works: In our experiment, we fill three glass bottles with hot water, but only covered two. The two we covered were cover with a wool sock and a leg warmer. The reason why we chose not to cover one of the bottles is because we wanted to see how fast heat escaped from an uninsulated bottle. After the bottles were covered and we filled them with water, we used an NXT with temperature probes to record changes in temperature. Once the probes were in the bottles, we covered the area around the probes with cotton to prevent heat from escaping through the bottles’ openings.
First, we recorded the starting temperatures for each bottle: 171.2°F (No sock), 161.8°F (Wool sock), 200.2°F (Leg warmer). After five minutes, we recorded the final temperatures: 158.2°F (No sock), 157.8°F (Wool sock), 194.7°F (Leg warmer). We found that the wool sock provided the best insulation. The change in temperature on the bottle covered by the wool sock was only 4°.
This experiment showed that well insulated areas lose heat slower than poorly insulated areas. By insulating areas better, we will not need to use as much energy to heat or cool an area. Using less energy is better for our environment and for us because it will cut down on emissions and lower our heating and cooling costs.
To learn more about insulation and how it works, visit: