The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster happened in March 11, 2011. What happened in this incident is that a 14 meter high tsunami has hit the northeastern part of Japan. The earthquake itself has disabled 3 of the nuclear planet’s air conditioner system, which is also called the AC power. With many efforts by the workers, the cooling system still can’t be fixed, making the power plant leaking the radioactive material.
With the devastating incident occurred in Fukushima, the members of the Radiation Safety Council at Hirosaki University convened a meeting to discuss the response to this accident on March 13. Later on, the Japanese government has decided to dispatch the university staff members to Fukushima to support the people living there. The team was sent there 2 days later, on March 15. To solve this problem, the Japanese government has decided by end of this year, they will begin removing the fueling system from the reactor and placing them near cool pools so that the nuclear could cool down and stop leaking out the radioactive materials.
I still remember when this incident occurred, I was in Hong Kong. This breaking news just suddenly happened and every news channels were just reporting this accident. I don’t remember how many days it happened, but nearly for a week, everyday the news was reporting the process in Fukushima and everyone was just worrying about what will happen to the people there. From that day on, people are just afraid of traveling to Japan, due to the leak of the radioactive material and scared it will contaminate the sea creatures and the air that they breathe in.