Mass and Pulley Experiment

To begin with the experiment, we have the pulley, the weights, which includes 50, 20’s, 10’s, and 5’s, and the robot itself. What we are trying to do in this experiment is to find out what’s the different about the speed, time, and battery discharge when we have the same mass but different speed and same speed but different mass. Before really starting at the experiment, we have the make sure that the USB is plug in to both the computer and the robot, as well as “port A” itself. After you’re done, the experiment will begin. For the first section, same mass but different speed, we kept the mass at 200 grams, equaling 0.2kg. Well definitely, in order to succeed in this experiment, you will have to use Labview to calculate the numbers. So for the first trial, we plugged in 50 for the power and 0.2 for the mass(kg). Later on the second trial, we kept the mass(kg) the same, and change the power to 75. Last but not least, for the third trial, we increased the speed more to 100. The result has proven us that the more power you use for the same mass(kg), the speed and acceleration will definitely be faster and more efficient. But on the other hand, the battery discharge is much higher than the one with less power. (Below is the results.)

Power Mass(kg) Battery Discharge (mV) Speed (RPM) Acceleration (RPM/s) Time(s)
50 0.2 42 57.1077 12.7644 4.474
75 0.2 97 91.5583 35.0261 2.614
100 0.2 111 125.687 82.8521 1.517

On the other section, we will be having same power but different mass(kg). On the first trial, our power is 75 and mass(kg) is 0.25. Then on the second trial, we kept the same power and decreased the mass to o.15(kg). Last but not least, our last trial is decreasing the mass more and only weighing 0.1(kg). In the section, we found out the result are different as well. Having the same power, the battery discharge will be much higher when the mass weighs higher, and the acceleration will be lower when the mass weighs higher too. (Below is the results.)

Power Mass(kg) Battery Discharge (mV) Speed (RPM) Acceleration (RPM/s) Time(s)
75 0.1 28 94.2305 44.8076 2.103
75 0.15 55 90.7568 41.4604 2.189
75 0.25 -14 87.5508 32.3424 2.707

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