Measuring Distance and Velocity

 Virtual Instrument Lab

                                                                               By: Raul Fernandez &Erin Beardsley

1.      Launch the VI

2.      Study (with the instructor) the VI to understand how it works to measure the distance the wheels travel, and the speed at which the car travels.

3.      With a ruler measure the diameter of the wheel and compute the circumference of the wheel in meters (circumference= p*diameter).  Record that distance in the front panel of the VI.

To find % error= Distance ruler – distance to computer

                                     Average (distance ruler, distance computer

Wheel= 5.5 cm x .01 = 0.55 = x 3.14 circumference of .173

Small Wheel= 2.5cm x .01 =. 025 = x 3.14 circumference of .1

Run the VI and record:


 Time Power Level Rotation in degrees # wheel turns Distance






% error
1 sec. 75% 470 1.30556 22.1 22.4556cm 0.22456 21.092
2 sec. 76% 1143 3.175 53.8 54.6 .27305 54.2
3 sec. 77% 1892 5.25 89.7 90.3 .301 90

1.The wheel rotation (in degrees and in number of turns).  How are the degrees that the wheel rotated related to the number of turns of the wheel?

As the number of rotations in degrees increases in effect the number of wheel turns also increases. The rotation in the wheel increases every 700 degrees more or less the number of wheel turns is more or less 2 wheel turns per second added.

 2. The time it took for the wheels to turn (in seconds and milliseconds).  How are seconds related to milliseconds?

1,000 milliseconds is equal to 1 second. We increased our time from 1 sec. to 2 sec. and 3 sec.

 3. The distance the car moved.  How is the distance related to the number of turns.

The distance the car moves is related to how many turns because as the turn of the wheel increases the distance also increases. As the wheel turn increases the distance from computer also increased.

4.      Measure the distance with a ruler and compare your results with that of the VI.  What could account for the discrepancies?

            Discrepancies could be slight change or misreading of millimeters. Also the computer and ruler used to measure have different manual and automatic results. The distance that equals 22.1 cm, 53.8 cm, and 89.7 cm is different than the results of the computer, which were 22.4, 54.6, and 90.3. Also a point of error is that we increased the power level by 1% because we were intrigued to see the outcome of different velocities.

Hurricane Sandy and Global Warming

If you live on the east coast you are aware of the horrible aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The shoreline in the northeast was completely destructed and altered from the wrath of mother nature. Today contributions and efforts to reconstruct public and private properties are still in need. The direction and size of this super storm had many scientists and east coast civilians concerned and questioning why was this storm so large? Journalist Rob Williams from The explains the description of Hurricane Sandy, “The storm has 175 miles of hurricane force winds stretching out from its centre, combined with tropical storm force winds extending 520 miles”.

The distress from this disaster will not only affect American coastlines, but also in time will destroy other shorelines around the globe. One of the main leads that scientists are relating to the strength of Hurricane Sandy is global warming. As our earth takes in constant CO2 emissions and greenhouses gases our atmosphere becomes considerably warmer. From this ice caps are melting at an increased rate, which in result creates ocean tides to rise. This is one effect from global warming that scientists are linking to the strength of Sandy. The Huffinton post online stated “There are three different ways climate change might have influenced Sandy: through the effects of sea level rise; through abnormally warm sea surface temperatures; and possibly through an unusual weather pattern that some scientists think bore the fingerprint of rapidly disappearing Arctic sea ice.” While the argument is relevant that the earth is warming naturally though earth cycles the pollution that we emit on a daily basis is not helping.

Some may not believe global warming is an issue, but there is no disagreement on the fatalities and damage that Sandy accomplished. The list is extensive and the results are gruesome to what happened last fall. One hundred and Ten mortalities occurred due to accidents related to the storm. The 90-mile an hour gusts and H2O submerged nearly all shorelines, and destroyed towns. Allen Breed and Tom Hays from the Huffington post stated “8.2 million people across the East were without power. Airlines canceled more than 15,000 flights around the world.”

Overall, the consequences of Hurricane Sandy were detrimental to many Americans in the east coast. From the cumulative heat and pollution within the atmosphere and the chain reaction in the rising of the oceans will only increase the occurrence of super storms around the world. This is an issue that we must accept and learn how to prevent so that future generations do not have to live in a world of extreme danger within natural disasters.


The Independent. Independent Digital News and Media, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
Siegel, Elyse. “Hurricane Sandy Aftermath: Storm Leaves Millions Without Power, Dozens Dead.” The Huffington Post., 30 Oct. 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
Zelman, Joanna. “Hurricane Sandy: New Jersey, New York Still Struggle With Power Outages.” The Huffington Post., 11 Nov. 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.

Germany’s Innovative Approach to a Clean Future


One of the largest conflicts that we are faced with today is how to create efficient clean energy, and reduce the ecological footprint we leave on earth. Germany has been working on this challenging adjustment since 1991. This country has proven to be an exceptional role model for the change that many hope to see in the world.

The transformation of Germany’s energy sector has taken place for many years now. However, this “energy turn” has shown to be successful from the years active, along with being interesting and exciting. Hardy Graupner stated in “What exactly is Germany’s ‘Energiewende’?” “The government made it clear that it would stick to the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 (compared with 1990 levels) and by 80 percent by 2050.”

Germany is exceeding any other industrialized nation by vetoing nuclear power plants, and taking advantage of renewable resources. The best alternative in Germany to nuclear power is wind energy. Gero Rueter exemplified in his article “Wind Energy Blowing Away Nuclear Power” on

“Wind energy supplies 3 percent of global electricity needs and will soon supply more electricity than nuclear power. In 2011, some              50 billion euros were invested in wind, leading some to say it’s cheap and creates jobs. By 2020, the share of wind energy will have risen to between 20 percent and 25 percent in Germany, according to estimates”

This milestone in German innovation has set an example for environmental responsibility, and is a plan that other industrialized countries should start to take part in. Overall, the successful energy revolution that Germany has accomplished demonstrates how possible sustainability can be in other parts of the world.



In Germany’s Nuclear Phase-Out, Renewable Energy Plans Are Clear.” World Resources Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.
“What Exactly Is Germany’s ‘Energiewende’? | Germany | DW.DE | 22.01.2013.” What Exactly Is Germany’s ‘Energiewende’? | Germany | DW.DE | 22.01.2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Jan. 2013.
“Wind Energy Blowing Away Nuclear Power | Environment | DW.DE | 22.04.2012.” Wind Energy Blowing Away Nuclear Power | Environment | DW.DE | 22.04.2012. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.
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