Distance | No Color |
0 | 0.48568 |
3 | 0.154666 |
6 | 0.22908 |
9 | 0.180326 |
Distance | Red |
0 | -0.01469 |
3 | 0.438209 |
6 | 0.223948 |
9 | 0.039196 |
Distance | Blue |
0 | -0.01469 |
3 | 0.444624 |
6 | 0.252174 |
9 | 0.057158 |
Distance | Teal |
0 | -0.03522 |
3 | 0.42153 |
6 | 0.31889 |
9 | 0.129006 |
We realize that the averages are different in every chart because of the different colors. For the no color, it is high at first, then very low and a little high a gain the low (from 0 to 9 inches away)
For the red and blue colors, it is very high at first then low. (from 0 to 9 inches away)
For the teal, it is almost like the previous colors but it is not completely low at the end. it stay between 0 and 0.2 (from 0 to 9 inches away)