Fukushima nuclear disaster

The Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred on Friday 11, March 2011, it happened after the 9.0 magnitude earthquake, which caused units 1, 2 and 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to shut down. Units 4 and 5 have already been shut down previously for outages. Emergency diesel generators were providing for the emergency core cooling systems until the tsunami hit and shut those down also. The steam-driven reactor core isolation cooling systems and high-pressure coolant injection system provide cooling to units 1, 2 and 3. Evacuation order is also dispatched to people within 3km of the power plant. A few days later a hydrogen explosion occurs at unit 3 due to lack of batteries which resulted in the failure to cool the reactors. The damage and fuel is exposed to the atmosphere. Radiation skyrockets in the next few weeks and the damage is enormous.

At a time the prime minister even said that he was afraid that the country might collapse and he revealed that Tepco (Tokyo Electric Power Plant Company) considered to abandon the power plant after it was hit by the tsunami. The first week of the disaster tepco saw that the fuel rods had melted which crippled the coolers and thought that it was going to be a disaster, therefore considering to pull out the staff and “leaving it to fate”.


Life changed after the disaster, people had to wear masks and carry umbrellas all the time. Alot of homes have been destroyed and the property also. Japan has suffered from this catastrophe but they stay strong and will continue to rebuild until everything is like it was before.


