Mass vs Acceleration:

In our energy experiment our group did a series of tests and data collection to determine the relationship between mass and acceleration. Newtons second law of motion states that the force of an object is equal to the mass of the object times the acceleration of the object. Looking more closely at the equation F=m*a, one is able to rewrite it as a= F/m, this tells us that if the mass gets greater then there will be less acceleration and if the acceleration gets greater there will be less mass.

To test the hypothesis we used a some string, some masses, and an Nxt motor (allows someone input how fast the motor runs by programming it). When the program is started the motor would pull the mass to a certain height and the computer would record data like: time, power, acceleration, etc. In this experiment we changed the value of the mass but kept the power constant. Every trial run by the Nxt motor was recorded by the computer, below was our data table created from the results.

The data collected above proves Newtons 2nd law is correct: that the more mass there are the less the acceleration and the less mass there are the more the acceleration. This was based on a constant force, in this case 75.


Acceleration vs Power:

The next series of tests were to determine how the power exerted on an object affected the acceleration of the object. Newtons 2nd law says that P=F*Δx/Δt, P is the power, F is the force, Δx is the change in displacement, and Δt is the change in time. In these tests the mass stayed constant while we tested different power levels (change the value with the Nxt program). After doing the tests we obtained the information that is shown below.

Looking at the data we are able to conclude that the power is proportional to the force and everything the force is proportional to. The graph shows a linear relation between the power and acceleration.

Power level vs Power:

In these series of tests we were to determine the relationship between the power (%) and how much power was outputted in the end. Looking at the graph below and also in the data in Table 2, it looks like a linear function which means that the power(%) is proportional to the output of the power.

Discharge vs Mass:

Lastly, the group wanted to find out how the discharge (V) of the battery and the mass of the weights would affect the results of the data, the power was constant. Looking at Table 1 and the graph it is hard to say what kind of relationship it has. I think the voltage and the mass was too little to obtain good results for this test. Graph and Table 1 shown below.



It is hard to describe what pattern is being formed in this graph.


3 thoughts on “Energy is AN EXPLOSION!”

  1. Well organized and thoughtful response to the activity we did. I found it to be clear and it certainly looks like you put time into it. Nice job

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