
Just another Blogs.cas.suffolk.edu site


Demand Demand

Demand response is a program that comes and offers to chech how much energy you use and they find a plan to lower it. I know of something life this first hand and it happened to my uncle when a company came to his house checked his energy usage and then switched all his light bulbs to energy efficient ones. i believe projects like this will help lower energy.



Solyndra is a green energy company that is located in California. the company was failing until the President was introduced to it and took actions to help the company from failing. Allot of people believe that it was a scandal just to make a bigger impact on the president. The president had sighed a check for 535 million dollars and gave it to the company to make it keep running hire new workers and start to expand. soon after however more then 1000 workers were laid of and the company filed the chapter 11 claim. The company was supposed to have a big impact and was supposed to help however it did the opposite and ruined a lot.


Museum of science

Our trip to the museum of science was extremely helpful because it helped us create and establish a idea for the project we where about to create. The trip also showed  us a view into someones inventions witch is always helpful for someone creating a project. My experience was vary helpful and my group as well benefited because we all got new ideas to create something as a group and the point of this was to go somewhere with the entire group of people.


Light Intensity Lab

In this lab we where told to experiment with light intensity and how it effect and causes voltage.

Also the second task in this project was to see the difference if you where to induce a transparent color and how it effected the volatge created.


Step 1: to  start the lab by having no light on the solar cell and the average came up with was .12.

Step 2: We then added light with a flashlight, we shined it on the solar cell, The average was .33172.

Step 3: After that we started ,moving the flashlight back.




Generator Lab

In this generator lab we where asked to make a voltage and light up a flashlight by moving it.

The results that we have come up with are as followed.

The above graph shows the results that we where angle to get from shaking the light. in this experiment we use different speeds to turn on the lights.

The graph shows that the the faster you moved the light the more voltage was created to make the light bulb work.


Fukushima… The Real Deal

Fukushima… When people here it they don’t know where it is or what it was they just know it was a incredibly sad event that took place in Japan.


What had happened in Fukushima was a lesson for everyone in the world and the power of nuclear power and energy. A earthquake hit Fukushima where their was a reactor. The magnitude of the earthquake was a whoping 9.0.  Due to the earthquake and the power of distuction their was 19,000 casualties. And reports of hundreds of thousands of destroyed properties.

As the earthquake hit it created a tsunami that hit the plant causing 3 of the nuclear reactors to loose power and cooling, The result was one of the worlds biggest nuclear disasters.








In our class we have created a robot and then programmed a robot to lift. I was not able to be here for the lab so i have some information from Frank Calderon.

Data: The following graphs represent the relationships between the different measurements taken.


We had to get the potential Energy that had Potential Energy= mgh, If you decide potential energy by time you get the displacement.


Mass (Kg) mgh (J) Power (mgh/t)
0.1 0.2107 0.2272923409
0.1 0.2107 0.1115995763
0.1 0.2107 0.0561267981
0.1 0.2107 0.0419972095


This lab was to show us how to calculate how much a robot can lift and how fast. This blog gave a group the opportunity to work together to figure out equations to life weights with the robot!



Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing

In this day and age we rely on gas and other natural resources to do the things that we need to do.  Most people can never imagine a life without gas or natural resource, however as technology progresses we change the way we do things and sometimes it not the best. for example every presidency the president running or currently running always brings up that we need to rely less on foreign oil and gas. However it never happens. People cannot imagine living in a world with out gas therefor we need to always provide it. As we progress with technology as stated previously sometimes we invent something that can hurt us, In this instance a way of extracting gas from the earth is Hydraulic Fracturing, What Hydraulic Fracturing is, is process where chemicals are used to break threw rock and extract maximum product. All in all it is a extremely effective process however their is a huge downside. The chemicals can be leaked to underground water sources and also distribute threw land and into air. What should be done is further research, for example altering chemicals or trying to contain them. Apart from the bad part many people beleve that Hydraulic Fracturing is the way to a more clean energy future.






Fuel Efficiency At The Max

For years people have been trying to figure out way on how to make things move using the least possible energy or any other resource. From cars to boats to plains, these industries spend millions trying to figure out how to make things move at lowest coast. In todays world this is a extreme concern due to the population and greenhouse gasses.

The Government is currently playing a major role in car industry, setting the bar for 2025 to be a minimum of 54 miles per gallon for any cars on the road. They concerns done only effect us the customers but also effect the industry at the business levels beacuse they have to keep reinventing something to keep their products on the market.

Something we have all come to know it the hybrid car witch revolutionized the industry from the ground up. a hybrid car brought new technologies to the world since it uses both gas and electricity to move the car.

A couple tips to keep your car moving at the least expensive way are as followed.

  1. Drive more efficiently is you have a smaller car try not to exelarate to quickly to keep your RPMs bellow 2.5 this will save lots of gas due to less engine power.
  2. Think before you buy a car. try buying more fuel efficient car like hybrids or the new species of electric cars
  3. Do not waist your gas, People always leave their cars running weather they need to be or not. Also think ahead and combine trips.








Robots !

Last week  our class was given the task of creating a robot that that moved to the specifications of the program that you gave it.


First Time:

  • Time (seconds): 2 seconds
  • Pow
    er: 42
  • Rotations: 1.65

Second Time:

  • Time (seconds): 2 seconds
  • Power: 42
  • Rotations: 1.66


First Time:

  • Time (seconds): 3 seconds
  • Power: 30
  • Rotations: 1.55

The program used to make the robot move is, labview is a basic program to send code for the robot to interpret. The program is simple in the way that everything is given in icons and the code is automatically generated. The project consisted a lot about learning new skill and applying it quickly to something newly learned. I believe that doing this lab it gave me a better understand what really goes into building vary sophisticated robots when building only small scale brought up so many problems.


This lab gave us a opportunity to look at robotics behind the scenes and actually work with a group of people to not only build a basic robot but also to make it function and move.

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