Geothermal in Iceland

Iceland is one of the world’s most coldest above ground and warmest underground regions. The use of Geothermal energy has increased greatly throughout the years by Iceland and because of that, the world now may be considering finding ways to  generate geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is heat that is produced from the center of the earth. No one can end the heat, and no one can actually be too close to it. Reason for that is because it believed that the center of the world is roughly heated to 5,000 Celsius, being way too hot for the human body. Under Iceland, there are two tectonic plates, which are also known as giant rocks. It is estimated that the tectonic plates separate from each other every year by two centimeters. This research has been developed by the United Nations University (UNU). When the tectonic plates separate, it allows the lava to get closer to Iceland’s surface. This is how hot water and steam is produced under Iceland’s ground.

Iceland uses a technology that functions as separators for the steam. In order for the steam to be used, it must be as dry as possible or else it cannot be transferred into electricity. Once the separators have taken every last droplet out from the steam, it is put into turbines so that electricity can be produced. Iceland electricity is 26% produced off of geothermal energy, which is mostly used to power heavy industries. Geothermal energy is definitely used for small industries as well. Many new business within Iceland have been able to open and succeed because of the facilitation of geothermic energy. Businesses such as restaurants are able to use geothermic energy by using the steam that comes from underground. They are able heat up almost any food they please as long as they enclose the food with the steam because it is really hot. Not only can they use the steam, but they can also set up their use of steam being outside. Which allows the owner to have a lot more space to work with inside his actually restaurant.

Geothermal energy is a very useful alternative source for sources such as coal, and natural gasses. Geothermal energy is one of the renewable sources of energy in which is less harmful to our atmosphere. In Iceland there are famous, touristic blue pools which have been created with geothermic water, which is natural heated naturally (directly from the ground). Many enjoyed the pool because of the water temperature but the pools are actually recommended by health specialists for those who need therapy for their body. Studies have concluded that the warm temperature pools in Iceland helps the human body as therapy, by relaxing the muscle.  Above is a picture from Iceland’s “blue lagoon”. If you look closely, to the right of the picture you will spot a bar in the middle of the pool, which is awesome!


Iceland also uses geothermal energy within the city to provide hot water for homes. Many homes are now equipped with pipes that go from their home to power plants that will transfer warm water. It enables homes to use water that warms up to about 73 degrees Celsius. Up to this day, it estimated that 90% of Iceland homes are conducted by geothermal energy. This is why the usage of geothermal energy has increased significantly. Not only has the continent of Europe, but all over the world has become a lot more aware about geothermal energy. Geothermal has become something that every country, that can afford the research and technology is willing to invest in because it will benefit on a long run financially (economically), and health (earth’s environment).

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