Based on what i have read about Nikola Tesla, Tesla was a very intelligent man. He was a man filled with infinite ideas about electrical inventions allowing him to patent many ideas. He was very smart and convincing which gave him to the opportunity to have investors invest into his ideas. Big investors such as J.P Morgan, that is a huge deal especially in today’s age. Tesla started off as a partner of Thomas Edison but because of “conflicting” interests, they ended up separating and doing their own things. Tesla created, Tesla Coil, AC hydroelectric power plants, Electrical generators, and intended to build a wireless communication system.

Tesla’s coil was created for wireless technologies such as radios. Even in today’s day, we use the same technology for the radios whether for our vehicles, or regular radios. The way it works is that it produces high voltage, low current, and also high frequency that alternates current electricity. Tesla’s AC hydroelectric power plants used to power cities.  This is another one of Tesla’s powers transfer ideas which he thought it worked for the nation, but he not only wanted to transfer power within the nation but also around the world. This project began in the city of Niagra Falls, then he manage to power the city of Buffalo, New York. Thanks to his invention, his invention remains existing in today’s time.

Tesla thought of the idea of Dynamos was another form of transfer of power which is similar to batteries. He probably would have been able to patent that idea as well but another group beat him to that idea. Another idea of Tesla was the wireless energy. He managed to come up with inventions such as remote controllers which we definitely use in every day of our lives. He invented the technology of X-rays, radar technologies in which we use within the medical field.

Around Tesla’s late stages in life, he was hoping to build a global wireless communication system. Meaning with the large electrical towers, he would be able to receive information from the users of electricity. His intentions were to not only exchange information through those towers but also be able to distribute free energy. Eventually his idea was broken apart by his competitors which involved Edison.

This is a picture of one of the towers that was Tesla’s idea and was also funded by J.P. Morgan. This was one of the radio towers which functioned to transfer energy through wireless mechanism. It was blown apart because people suspected Germans were using the tower as form of spying.






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