
There are four possible experiments we were able to think about doing for the team project. There are 3 members in our group, Daniela, Shahad, and me. We are considering to do our project on Hydro energy, Chemical energy, Thermal energy, and the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. We wanted to do something that will be interesting over all. Some thing that will allow us to learn more, challenge us, but at the same time have fun over all. While thinking about possible experiments to do, we had to consider the fact that we are not mad scientist and the amount of time we have is limited being less than 3 weeks.

For hydro energy, we thought of creating a wheel that would spin with the constant flow of water falling into the wheel. We were thinking that by using the motion of the wheel, with a couple of wires used to conduct the energy, we would be able to create enough energy to power a light bulb. Another project based on this idea was using the wheel to generate energy by motion (kinetic energy) but instead of having a light bulb, we would create a fan. To do this project we would need to create a wheel out of lego tools, or from scratch by using our creativeness. We would also need a DC motor, which would be an important component to this project because without it, the energy will not be transferred. We can either wait and find out if our professor has any motors, or we can find one from an outside source. This project is somewhat challenging but it definitely is possible.

The group and I are also considering doing our project on chemical energy. What this consists of is using animal waste. In specific, it would have been cow waste or horse waste. This project would be a lot better for us to do if we had a lot more time to accomplish it. Time is key when it comes to this experiment because we need to get the actual waste from a farm. We would have to find the machinery that would actually process the animal waste from sticky, and muddy to stiff, and dry dirt that does not smells as much anymore. We would have to figure out how to power other objects. This is an interesting topic but in order for it to actually function, we would probably need a lot of guidance from an actual professional.

One of our other projects would have been the idea of thermal energy and demonstrate why it is that works. How this project would work is that we would get two bowls filled with water. One bowl will be filled with cool water and the other bowl will be filled with warm water. We would need an airless balloon into the cold water, then into the warm water. Eventually, the different temperature waters will cause the balloon to inflate on its own. We do not know what it consists of, it is something we would have to learn more about.

Tom Vale’s Demo

It was interesting to see right in front of me how past and current energy sources actually function. Of course the demonstrations Vale presented to the class are miniature forms of real life energy conductors. So you cannot expect the demonstrations to provide energy for the Prudential building, but will conduct enough energy for small motors, small voltage lighting. The point of Vale’s demonstration was for the students in the class to learn about the new alternative sources of energy, and how they actually look like when operating seriously. It is important that we learn from this because we all know the traditional energy sources such as oil, coal, and natural are eventually going to run out. As time proceeds, human demand will eventually run out of traditional energy sources. What is important to do now is trying to teach everyone on earth if possible, about alternative energy sources. We can either prepare ourselves for when the time comes, we are already use to using new energy sources. If we work at the rate of those who do not believe in science theories, it may be too late for us.

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Vale started off his demonstration by showing how some people, and/ or places are using thermal energy to convert it into electricity. He used a coffee maker to heat up water. He poured hot water from the coffee maker into one cup, and poured cool water into another cup. He put the cups next to each other and put a figure with two metal legs into the cups. One leg was put into the warm water, while the other leg was put into the cool water. At the top of the figure, there was a red thing that would spin after the metal pieces charged up, enough to conduct heat into energy. What happened was, the hot water because of the high temperature, made the water molecules to move faster. The cool water of course, because it had a low temperature, it had slow molecules. The metal legs, being a good form of conduction, managed to use the molecules to turn the red fan on top of the figure as you see in the picture above.

Vale also used the source of fire to conduct energy and spin a very small gold pully as you can see in the picture above. It is a small metal that sits on top of a lit candle. The flame is not so close but close enough so that the heat and be transferred to the metal piece. I believe the closer the flame is to the metal piece, the more heat that is involved. The more heat, the more energy the metal piece will be able to conduct. Once the metal piece has been charge with enough heat after a certain amount of time, the gold tiny pully that is on top will continue to rotate. What I did notice which i thought was a disadvantage was that this demonstration took longer than the other energy conductors. That may not be so important for a demonstration during class but for an actual real life situation, the amount of heat may be critical.


This is a picture of Vales Mendecino Motor, in which he invented and built himself. This is one of my favorite demonstrations because, it may be hard to tell through the picture but the stick with the solar cells wrapped around is actually floating on its own. What causes this to happen is, four magnetic blocks are placed on four corners. They are placed evenly so that the stick with the solar cells is equally balanced. There are small magnets on the stick as well which repels from the block magnets. The stick will stay still without any movement but once the light hit the cells, the actual stick begins to rotate. The speed depends on the distance of the light from the actual solar cells. The shorter the distance the stronger the light intensity. I am amazed how simplistic and complex these creations can be. All you have to know are the fundamentals and the rules of science, and almost anyone can create different ways to use these sources to create renewable energy.

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What I found interesting the most was the wireless energy from the years of 1800’s.  Not only does that demonstrate the history of science but it shows how humans use to function. It also helps me understand why now in days, if we move too far from our wifi router, we end up losing the connection. As you can see form the pictures above, there is a bucket wrapped around by Tesla coil which was invented by Nikola Tesla. Must have been a real pain to wrap the coil around the bucket. As Vale got closer to the bucket, the stronger the light became inside the object he held in his hands.

President’s Action on Climate

Our president Barack Obama mentions many strategies that will make change to climate. Instead of climate changing for the worst, as it has been doing, making that change stop and changing for better is Obama’s goal. Obama’s actions has had a positive result on our nation. Barack Obama being the president of the United States, makes it easier for him to actually do something about the amount of energy the nation uses on a daily. Since energy sources and climate change is in correlation with GDP and the economy, it is important that as america is trying to make changes, the other nations must cooperate. It is important that other nations are on the same page as America because it is no use, if one nation is trying to make a change but 10 other nations are using the traditional energy sources to industrialize and at the same time polluting the world.

Obama believes it is important that we make a change now rather than push it off to the side and worry about it later for many reasons. Our traditional sources such as natural gas, Oil, and coal are estimated to run out as demand continues to increase.  The fact that these sources will run out is not only a bad thing because it is also the reason greenhouse gases also exists. Greenhouse gases is damaging our environment, making it harder for farmers to produce food. Animals are suffering from the cause of climate change, their habitats are filthy and they are running out of food. Animals are malnourished, then the human population will begin to suffer. People who suffer from asthma are experiencing an increase in their condition because of the carbon pollution. If we do not figure out how to adapt to alternative sources of energy, our future generations will suffer even more.

Obama mentions transportation being an area that our nation must improve in. Transportation, specifically heavy duty vehicles such as trucks, vans, and buses are the second largest source of greenhouse gas. The emissions standards need to be recreated so that they require less energy to operate and less money as well. Obama mentioned that by 2025, new standards for trucks, buses, and vans will make it possible for vehicles to average 54.5 miles per gallon. What does this mean? This mean not only will less oil be used, estimated to save 530 million barrels of oil. The less oil consumed the less greenhouse emissions that is released into the environment. Another positive about Obama’s new standards is that it will be a lot affordable for everyone. Companies, and individuals will save a lot more money in the long run by being able to operate the vehicle for longer distances before having to refill the tank. By the year 2025, it is estimated that people will be able to save around $8,000 in fuel costs, that is a lot. Obama wants to establish emissions standards that will cut the amount of carbon pollution that is created. Car companies will have a duty in the future to manufacture advanced batteries that will be a lot more efficient in order to help decrease burning oil. Obama also estimates electric powered vehicles will average around $1.14 per gallon of gasoline. This makes it better for us financially and healthier.

Another key initiative Obama points out is decreasing the amount of energy and energy waste in each house, business, and factories. Some homes either actually use too much energy that without it, their household would not function properly. Homes like these should consider using alternative sources for energy. Obama’s plan is to establishing standards to the companies that manufacture technologies such as light bulbs, refrigerators, dish washers, laundry washers and so on. By doing this, he believes it will help the consumer use less energy throughout the day. It is important the companies are addressed because the consumer only uses the products, but who determines the technology behind the products? who decides how much energy each product requires? The manufacturer is in charge of all of these factors. By following through with his initiative, not only will less energy will be required within buildings, but less energy waste will exist and the utility bills will decrease as well. By 2030, Obama believes hundreds and billions of dollars will be saved over all and the energy saved will be enough to power about 85 million homes for 2 years. You can only imagine how many people in america leave their room, or leave their home for the day with the light on for no reason. That is an example of energy waste, as is leaving the heater on all day. Never mind the energy wasted but leaving the heat on all day without being attended can be dangerous and result as a fire.

Another one of Obama’s initiatives is tackling the consumption of methane emissions. About 9 percent of greenhouse gas emissions is made up of methane emissions. It also has a global warming potential 20 times more than carbon dioxide. carbon dioxide is already bad enough now think about the contribution methane has. The main  approach to this is having agencies and companies investigate new technologies that are specifically designed to reduce methane emissions. Identifying incentive based programs or companies that for every goal reached meaning if the amount of such emissions is used and not exceeded, then the company will earn an incentive. that will motivate companies, homes, individuals. incentives such as a rebate, or discount.

It is important that Obama actually follows through with his ideas and plans because they make total sense. A lot of his goals that he has established early on in his presidential term, he has been able to complete promises. He has helped decrease the amount of emissions that America uses. Of course it may not seem like his efforts are any use when measuring the progress to the progress of the rest of the world. Reason why some nations are not making an effort to using renewable energy sources, is because they are still busy trying to figure out ways how to industrialize and establish a better economy within their nation. America being one of the nations that mostly contributes to global warming is also one of the most prosperous, financially stabled countries. United states can now afford researching methods, following through with Obama’s initiatives. Not only are greenhouse emissions and pollution is decreasing, but at the same time the economy in America is becoming better. As long as the economy becomes better, being affordable for individuals, then continuing to work on decreasing pollution is a must.