The movie Pandora Promise is a film that is based on Nuclear power. Throughout the movie, the debate between the average person’s theory and science experts is the main topic. This film is around 87 minutes long, so make sure you have good internet connection or else you will struggle to watch the film as I did. This film was directed by Robert Stone. Coal and Oil are the main sources of energy, which are considered the norm. This film includes people such as Michael Shellenberger, Mark Lynas, Gwyneth Cravens, Stewart Brand, and Richard Rhodes. These people are important for the film and for the audience especially because they all once were against nuclear energy. This film tries to explain why alternative energy sources are important to be used rather than continuing to use the frequent source. There are two main parties involved in this debate, one are the expert scientists that are constantly researching about nuclear energy, then there are the environmentalist also known as the anti-nuclear energy group.
As a non-scientist, or an average person, i really do not know much about energy sources. Before this class, and film, i did not know which energy source was the worst to our atmosphere and the human population. I did not know which source was used the most. The reason why anti-nuclear activists exist is because they refuse to open up to new sources. They are not ready to accept changes because the norm seems a lot safer. In the film, one was interviewed and asked for an example of numbers that would be a lot simpler for the audience, but the expert responded it will never be any simpler unless someone actually studies it or investigates. Like everything, when it is in its beginning stages there will always be room for error. The average person have become so scared about nuclear energy because of its history involving disasters. Because of the radiation that it releases into the atmosphere. Little does the common person know that the source that causes the most deaths in time of existence is Coal, Oil, Natural gas, Hydro, Solar, Nuclear, then Wind. Ironically, Nuclear is second to last being the least harmful to population and it beats solar energy. Anti-Nuclear activists are just so used to the norm, it is as if we have adapted to living just by the source of coal and oil. Based on the film, around 13,000 people die per year within the United States due to the use of Coal. World wide it is estimated that around 3,000,000 people die per year because of Coal.
If people took the time to actually investigate how each source of energy actually works, they will be able to understand more. We tend to make judgments and decisions based on emotions and opinions rather than actual facts. We would understand what the “norm”, in this case Coal and Oil, actually does to the human population. It is hard for scientists themselves to be able to convince people to change their minds. It is important to know all the facts before making decisions or else we will be misled to the wrong solutions. I truly understand how energy sources are used after seeing this film and class discussions. Most importantly, this film has clarified why people would go against Nuclear energy and why people would change their mind on nuclear energy and becoming in favor for it.