Tom Vale

The head of the science department, Tom Vale, came into our class today and did a few demonstrations for our class. His demonstrations consisted of the Stirling engine, Deltier Effect, Peezol Electric effect, and the Tesla coil. All of these engines are environmentally friendly and some are still in existence today.

The Stirling engine was invented in 1816 by Robert Stirling. The man objective to Robert Stirling was to eliminate the usage of coal because the steam engines would explode. The engine is run by heat and is 60% efficient. Basically, Mr. Vale put the engine on a hot cup of  water and the engine was moved by the steam rising. Stirling engines are still used today in many items such as lawn mowers and snow blowers.

The next thing Tom Vale demonstrated was the Deltier Effect. The Deltier Effect is what happens when a person adds heat to one side and cold on the other side. This creates electricity that can run a motor. However, it is not very efficient, only 10%. The Deltier Effect is used today in cars with cup holders that can heat your drink or keep it cool for you.

The last demonstration that was shown was something called a Tesla coil. The Tesla coil was created by Nicola Tesla. Nicola Tesla wanted to create electricity without wires. He succeeded but it is very impractical and dangerous. There is a massive amount of open electricity that could easily electrocute someone. It is impractical because the Tesla Coil causes a massive amount of interference so anything like a cell phone, computer, or ipod will not work.

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