Having been to the Museum of Science in Boston a few times before in my life, I was well-versed on the layout of the museum itself, which made locating the exhibits we had to observe a lot easier.
First up: I observed an exhibit featuring new, and groundbreaking inventions that have greatly benefited out society as a whole. The exhibit contained photographs, the invention itself, and actual testimonials from the inventor on why he or she felt that their invention was necessary for society to have. The one I appreciated the most was a refined Individual Body Armor, for soldiers on the frontline. This invention is critical for our nation locked in a decade long war, and has saved numerous lives along the way. (Please find below a picture of the Individual Body Armor, made of Kevlar).
Next: I checked out the exhibit “Energized”, which I felt was the most relevant to the course and to what we have been talking about in class. The exhibit went into great detail, and brokedown the energy efficiencies of various energy sources that we rely on daily. The image below outlines the process of taking in wind, and turning it into effective energy.
– This image provided a breakdown of Renewable/Nonrenewable energies.
– This part of the exhibit highlighted: Fossil Fuels, Hydropower, Nuclear, Solar, and Wind and explored the Pros/Cons of each.
Last: The last exhibit I viewed was called “Conserve @ Home”. I think that this exhibit can hit home with the majority of people viewing the exhibit, because it highlights everyday things one does in a house, and methods in which you can save energy. These methods include: Changing lightbulbs, flushing the toilet, and reducing the water output.
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