When God Gives You Lemons…

Ever heard the old phrase “When God gives you lemons, make lemonade”? Well our final project is going to put a spin on the old quote and instead of making lemonade which can be purchased rather cheaply at any market, were going to use those lemons to make electricity. Yup, you heard right, electricity.

When our group was trying to decide on an exciting, interesting, and cool project to present to high school kids, we came across this one and knew that it would be an instant hit. Muath had previous experience with this project and gave as a decent understanding of how it works. I think that this project will be exciting because its not a dull project about a wind farm or some overly scientific experiment that would put the class to sleep.

We plan on our project being fun and engaging. This is something we learned is important when watching a presentation at the Museum of Science. Our experiment is simple and requires only a few minor pieces. We will use the minor amount of electricity that we create to power a small led light which we think will be more interactive than reading a voltage meter. To make the project more fun, we plan on asking the kids questions and seeing what they think will happen before the project begins. I am confident in where our project stands right now, and I’m looking forward to being able to present it.

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