MOS Exhibits

The exhibits I will be comparing are the “Winds of Change” and “Catching the Wind”.

“Winds of Change” was very interesting. It showed how dunes migrate by wind, the power of the wind, and it allowed you to move the wind and see a live example of how wind moves grains of sand.  Because the exhibit was not boring and dull, it taught the message well.  By having the hands-on part, it was helpful because it caught attention and was somewhat fun.

The “Catching the Wind” exhibit was interesting and taught the message well also.  It discussed wind turbines, how turbines create electricity and how they are a reliable energy source. It was very clear and set up well.  It was simple but still got the message across.  There was enough room at this exhibit for numerous people to look, which I liked.  It also had a feature where you can see live turbines at the museum and how much energy they are producing which was cool.

After seeing many exhibits, I have noticed the ones I like best are very interesting, simple, and are clear with the message they are trying to get out.  The more complicated ones were not as fun and did not catch my attention.  When constructing an exhibit of my own, I will keep it simple but still get the message I want across to make it more interesting.

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