Global, Schmobel.. Who Cares If We Destroy The Earth, As Long as We Have Pretty Things, Right?
Let’s be real guys, we all know that Global Warming is happening, whether we want it to or not. However, like in every other situation in the world, there are always those people that will make you mad in denying the obvious. I just think they want to be known for something and that tends to be the best think they can be known for at that point in their life, a last resort type thing.
The Earth has been getting warmer for years, even before all of us humans being consumerists in today’s society. Our recent addition, however, as humans has made Global warming occur at a much faster rate and has made it much worse since the industrial revolution, and more so in the last 50 or so years (“Key Findings”). If we keep going at the rate that we are, by the end of the 21st century the average temperature of the surface of the earth is supposed to be double what had in the 20th century (“Future”). This means that we need to figure things out soon, or our children and grandchildren will be doomed.
In this case we are talking about those men and women who decide to deny that our environment is slowly disintegrating and global warming is coming. The problem here, though, in comparison to other deniers is that, if the general public begins to follow them, then global warming could get worse and soon turn into something that we not only can not reverse but something that we can also not contain. The more the deniers are out there, the harder it will be to get people to understand that we all need to do our part in eliminating our waste that is worsening global warming and getting alternatives to the aspects that need to be changed/eliminated all together. According to a survey by the Huffington Post, only 57% of Americans believed in global warming in 2009, in comparison to 77% in 2006 (Shapiro). This is something that may be as a result of those anti-global warming scientists and lobbyists that are obviously intelligent men and women, but apparently can not see the inevitable.
Many of these global warming deniers are politicians and lobbyists in politics, while some are scientists that seem to ignore what their given profession is obviously showing. Politicians like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Michael Steele and news-anchors/writers like George Will, Stephen Moore and Fred Barnes are all global warming Deniers (Shapiro). Many of these people are not scientists, so they have not done research themselves nor do they truly know the scientific background to global warming or greenhouse gasses. They are all influential, however, because of their political side of knowing how to persuade people. Sadly, we should all know that politicians will do anything to get what they want and much of it is lying and deceitful, so we should steer clear of listening to them. Much of them want to not have the government spend money on alternative ways to oil or coal, since we rely so much on them and we make so much money in the industries that use them. If we have to start putting so much money into creating an alternative, we ultimately lose money (even though we end up saving the Earth.. but who cares right?). The real problem is those scientists that do have a background in the situation that still don’t feel that it is happening. Many of these scientists, such as David Bellamy or Richard Lindzen, believe the same as Roy Spencer, who I talk about later. They feel that the climate changes naturally without the help of humans and that we can be blamed for it solely (Shapiro). Lindzen sees that it is not surprising that warming is occurring since we just came out of a little ice age in the 19th century, yet again a natural thing (Lindzen). People like Lindzen, Bellamy, Freeman Dyson, Garth Paltridge, and many others, are dangerous because they can either prove or disprove with their research or the lack of other scientist’s research. It seems that many of them do not necessarily object Global warming 100%, but rather they feel that there just is not enough concrete research and information to prove that it is anthropogenic. We all know that scientists need hard proof, not just something hypothetical or possible, so if the scientists that do believe in it can find that one little thing that will prove it to the rest, I think that the amount of global warming deniers that are scientists will go down.
Someone like Roy Spencer, a former scientist at NASA, you know, someone we think would be on science’s side, since he himself understands the fundamentals of science and can truly see the dangers of what is occurring. He even thinks that global warming is this mythical creature. It doesn’t seem like he is necessarily against the idea, but more so the fact that it is manmade. He finds that we don’t have enough research or proof that it is occurring and at the hands of humans. Spencer believes that it is a naturally occurring event in the climate system itself, because of the fluctuations within the system (Spencer). Although I am not a Global warming denier, I can see that what he says may be true, but I don’t think its the whole truth. From my years in robotics and seeing a lot of presentations, I remember one of them saying the same thing, that even without humans, the Earth gets warmer, albeit at a much slower pace than with the help of humans. I think that Spencer must also see that even though it happens by itself, us humans have made it much worse than it was, and now WE, as those catalysts must fix the problem, because mother nature can not do it herself.
Murray Gell-Mann seems to say it best, essentially summing up all of these denier’s thoughts. Even though Gell-Mann is a believer, he sees what everyone else says in that it is a naturally occurring event in that it is cyclical, this warming I mean, as well as the random fluctuations that are natural. He, unlike the deniers, however, sees that there is also an anthropogenic side to it. This human effect portion is just as important as the natural side of it, and it is something that the public should understand and something that the whole world needs to change. I feel that Gell-Mann put it best when he said “Can people really not grasp this trivially simple idea? That you have the sum of these three terms, and if we wait until the secular term, the anthropogenic term, gets really, really big, until it drowns out the other two, is that really so hard to explain?” With that, it is prudent that these deniers and heretics understand that not only ONE thing can affect something, but rather MULTIPLE things can. The world and climate change is not white and black, there is some gray in there.
Revkin, Andrew. “Can Better Communication of Climate Science Cut Climate Risks?” The New York Times. 11 Jan 2012. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>
“Key Findings”. 2012. Web. 27 Feb 2012.<>
Shapiro, Lisa. “Most Dangerous Climate Change Deniers”. The Huffington Post. 18 March 2010. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>
“Future Temperature Changes”. U.S. EPA. 14 April 2011. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>
Spencer, Roy. “Global Warming”. 2012. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>
Lindzen, Richard. “The Climate Science Isn’t Settled”. The Wall Street Journal. 30 Nov 2009. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>