Energy Generator Lab

For our previous class we completed a lab in which we needed to generate energy using our robots and a generator (made from a flashlight containing a coil and magnet). As described to us prior to the lab, magnets moving through coiled wire generates electricity so the object of the lab was to shake the generator back and forth to create energy.   After hooking our generators to our robots and the robots to the Labview VI, we were instructed to run several sets of the experiment at different speeds.  In our first run we left our generator motionless and from the data collected in excel established an average sum of the squares of 0.17. In our second set we shook the generator 29 times, which resulted in an average sum of the squares of 121.12. The third and fourth sets were shook at 39 and 42, and resulted in average sum of the squares of 126.27 and 156.74 respectively. From this information we were able to organize our information and create a chart comparing the number of shakes to the sum of the squares of the voltages. This graph shows a positive trend in which the greater the number of shakes, the greater the electricity output.

For the second half of our class Mr. Vale was asked to come and give a presentation regarding the generators patented by Nikola Tesla. These generators come in various sizes and are used to produce high voltage, alternating frequency electricity. The primary use of these coils are for scientific experiments including the transmissions of electrical energy, lightening, and x-ray generation as well as for presentations. Mr. Vale had a large Tesla coil and demonstrated its use through the transmission of electrical energy to light bulbs without wires. The electrical current from the coil was visible and strong electrical, which made the demonstration interesting. This was similar to what I have previously seen at the Massachusetts Science Museum however it was more informative and personal.

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