Building and Leading
Resilient Teams
Certificate Program

Earn a Certificate
from Suffolk University CCPE.
Register Now - Payment Plans Available!

Resilience-Building Leader Program

The Ability To Build And Lead Resilient Teams Has Never Been More Important.

Collective resilience is the team’s ability to overcome adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity. Resilient teams are the key to both individual and organizational resilience. Resilient teams are stronger together and they make learning and change possible. This certificate program provides the knowledge and skills required to build and lead resilient teams in organizations of any size, in any industry.

What Will You Learn To Do?

CCPE has partnered with the Resilience-Building Leader Program (RBLP) to offer a seven-week certificate for individuals who want to build the skills and competencies necessary to lead resilient, motivated, and effective teams. Students will gain a working mastery of five core competencies of effective teams:


Raise morale in the workplace by creating a positive climate for people to work in.


Boost teamwork by developing cohesion among team members.


Improve employee motivation and commitment by providing purpose in the workplace.


Increase the team’s ability to solve problems and overcome challenges by facilitating team learning.


Enhance the organization’s ability to change and compete by supporting organizational learning.

Who Should Enroll?

This certificate program is specifically designed to accommodate both new and seasoned supervisors, managers, and senior leaders. People that aspire to a leadership role may also participate.

What Is Your Total Investment?

The certificate program requires 49-63 hours (42 prep hours/21 certificate hours) of your time.Training program total cost: $899.

How Is The Certificate Program Delivered?

  • 7 learning modules requiring 6 hours of student preparation and 3 contact hours of instructor-led live group discussion.
  • Individual student preparation includes reading assignments, watching relevant videos, and answering reflection questions.
  • Certificate sessions ensure a thorough understanding of applicable factual (what), conceptual (why), and procedural (how) knowledge.
  • Certificate sessions leverage your unique leader/follower experience and perspectives.
  • Check out our self-guided course tour

Next Program Start Date: June 24, 2024








Registration Deadline:
Jun. 20, 2024

Building and Leading Resilient Teams Competencies

Create a Positive Climate

When morale is low, performance suffers. When morale is high, performance can soar. Climate is about the shared perceptions and attitudes of teammates. Your team’s climate can change quickly, for better or worse, based on your actions and the actions of teammates. You will be taught how to raise your team’s morale by creating a positive climate for people to work in. The result will be more flexibility, creativity, and openness to new ideas. Positive emotions help people cope with stress. Teams that work in a positive climate are better able to bounce back from adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Create a Positive Climate Leader Tasks:

  • Analyze team climate.
  • Earn trust.
  • Treat people with respect.
  • Enforce accountability.
  • Encourage people to have fun.
  • Demonstrate character.
  • Keep the team informed.

Develop Cohesion

The best measure of a team is how well it performs under pressure. When the going gets tough, the tough get going…by working together as a team. This maxim holds true for front-line teams, executive teams, and all other teams in between, including yours. You will be taught how to boost teamwork by developing the cohesion of your team. The result will be more supportive and dependable relationships. Developing cohesion enhances well-being, reduces stress, and enables your team’s creativity and collective decision-making. Cohesive teams in the workplace are better able to bounce back from adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Develop Cohesion Leader Tasks:

  • Analyze team cohesion.
  • Organize people to work in teams.
  • Promote trust between team members.
  • Ensure mutual respect between team members.
  • Train the team.
  • Manage expectations.
  • Talk about setbacks.

Provide Purpose

When your people have a sense of purpose for the work that they do, they are more motivated and committed. You will be taught how to provide purpose in the workplace by challenging people to be their best. Most people are looking to grow personally and professionally. You should challenge each person on your team to learn new skills. You should challenge the team to learn new collective skills together. You can also provide purpose by helping your team understand how their work supports the organization’s mission. When people have a sense of purpose at work, they are better able to bounce back from adversity, and then adapt and grow together because of that adversity.

Provide Purpose Leader Tasks:

  • Analyze individual purpose.
  • Show genuine concern for people.
  • Encourage individual learning.
  • Delegate responsibility.
  • Empower decision-making.
  • Keep people focused on the mission.
  • Be there when the going gets tough.

Facilitate Team Learning

When people work together as a team, they create shared experiences that they can learn from. As a leader, you are expected to facilitate this experiential learning process. Learning is how teams solve problems and overcome challenges. You can lead the learning process by ensuring that your team is constantly reflecting on its past and present experiences to assess performance and find ways to improve. As your team develops new ideas for improvement and change, you will need to approve and prioritize those ideas. Most importantly, it’s your responsibility to make sure these ideas get put into action, tested, and validated. Some ideas will work; some will not. Either way, team learning has occurred.

Facilitate Team Learning Leader Tasks:

  • Analyze team learning capacity.
  • Orient on team goals.
  • Encourage constructive dialogue.
  • Build new mental models.

Support Organizational Learning

Organizations that cannot learn are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Gaining a competitive advantage is hard. Maintaining a competitive advantage is even harder. To survive and compete over time, organizations must be willing and able to learn and to change. In fact, without learning, there can be no change. This is true for individuals, teams, and organizations of all types. And just like individuals and teams, when an organization bounces back from adversity, learning is how it adapts and grows. Resilient organizations are learning organizations. In learning organizations, leaders at all levels build and lead resilient teams.

Support Organizational Learning Leader Tasks:

  • Analyze organizational learning capacity.
  • Promote a shared vision.
  • Foster knowledge emergence.
  • Ensure knowledge diffusion.
Individual in front of laptop previewing Leadership Certificate Program.


Take a Self-Guided Tour

Are you interested in getting a preview of the certificate modules in our online learning platform?  Take a self-guided tour through the platform to gain a better understanding of the content, structure, assignments, interactivity, navigation, and much more! You will not have to sign up or login to take the tour.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will a certificate benefit my career?

Certificates can help you upskill to stay at the forefront of your industry. By gaining relevant knowledge and skills, you can grow in your current role, advance into more senior positions, or change your career.

How long will it take to complete the Building and Leading Resilient Teams certificate?

You can complete a full certificate in 7 weeks.

How can I enroll for the Building and Leading Resilient Teams certificate?

The certificate is open enrollment. You can sign up with our online registration system to submit payment and reserve your spot.

How much does the Building and Leading Resilient Teams certificate cost?

You can earn the certificate online for just $899.

What is the next program start date?

The next start date is June 24, 2024.

What is a noncredit certificate equivalent to?

Certificates are professional credentials that show you have completed a certain level of education or training for a subject or career discipline.

Looking for more information? Check out this short video and fill out our form to let us know you are interested!

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Interested in this certificate program but looking for more information? Fill out our form and a member of our team will get right back to you.

Your Digital Credential Awaits


Students that complete this certificate program will be prepared to sit for one of the Resilience-Building Leadership Professional® (RBLP™) series of certification exams. If you are interested in sitting for a certification exam, please apply here.

Visit for experience requirements, education/certificate requirements, and exam cost. The RBLP series of certification exams are administered by the Resilience-Building Leader Program only. Completing this program does not guarantee a passing score on any certification exam administered by Resilience-Building Leader Program.