Robotics: Lego Mindstorm

Last friday we all continued with our Lego mindstorm experiment. My partner and I were able to complete the required tasks and play around with the car a bit.

Our Data

Computer Data

% Error

















We did our first two recordings with the power of the car at 75. Our last recording was done with the car at a power of 50. We knew the circumference of the wheel was 0.1728m, and to find how many rotations the wheels did we just took the distance and divided it by the circumference. Once we were done collecting our data and writing it down we decided to change the power again, but this time have the wheels be at two different powers. Once changing that, the car would end up in a scattered spin on the table.

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One thought on “Robotics: Lego Mindstorm”

  1. Did you feel there were a lot of discrepancies in any of your data or that there could have been more accuracy in the measurements. We found that the car skidded the faster it went and had issues with moving forward the slower it went.

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