Pulley with Masses/In-class robots

In class, we tested how adding and subtracting weight would make a difference in the amount of power that was used. We compared acceleration vs. mass, power vs. power level, acceleration, and power used vs. power level. In our experiment, acceleration vs. mass, we used the pulley system and the robot. We connected the weights to the string. We repeated the experiment nine times and decreased the weight every time. The information below shows the scatter plot of acceleration vs. mass. The scatter plot shows that as acceleration increases, mass decreases. We then compared power used vs. power level. We used the same pulley system. We changed the power levels four times starting with 75-watts. This correlation shows in the scatter plot below that as the power levels increase, the power used also increases. Using the same data we could compare the acceleration data. As the power levels increase so does the acceleration. The last experiment we did in class was power used vs. the percentage of the power level. We divided the potential energy by time. As you can see from the diagram below, as the percentage of power levels increase, the power used also increases.

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