When the class was assigned a group project I felt like I was the only one that was going to do all work. But as of week 2 so far I was wrong. My group and I first scoured the websites that were given to us. After a half hour pasted we still hadn’t found anything that interested us so we decided to split up and look on our own for a little bit. After 10-15 minutes pasted we decided to perform the experiment of race day. Race day was to how much velocity a toy car had going down a ramp. We had finalized the idea but when we heard the group next to us was going to do the same experiment we decided to change it. On the second day only two members of the group were we decided on the experiment. The experiment we were going to demonstrate was a calorimetry. The calorimetry experiment we were going demonstrate involved burning food and when I asked Dr. Shatz if it was ok she responded by saying no she does not trust kids with fire since she had a bad experience with it in a past class. When that idea got shut down we decided to a lemon battery lab. The lemon battery lab was where you stick a nail in one end of a lemon and a penny in the other end. When you do that the nail becomes the negative end of a battery and the penny becomes the positive end of the battery. We had wanted to try and charge a cell phone with the lemons but that would require a lot of lemons. In the end we had to decide on the lemon battery definitely because the due date of the proposal was fast approaching. Even if we cannot charge a phone we would like to power a small led bulb or even a few of them.
Brain Storming
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