A few weeks ago we performed a mass and pulley experiment. When we started the experiment we were given a set of small weights. The total of the weights were 250 grams. When we started we had to do the experiment with the same amount of weight and different amount of force. We repeated that about four times. Then we had imported the data into an already made Excel sheet. After we did that we had to close the Excel sheet so when we continue importing data. Then we had to keep the same force but change the amount of weight. We then opened Excel again and saw the data again.
We then had to label the data which was not that much work. After we had made the graph’s which we could have made them the way we wanted as long as the data was correct. After the graphs were made I had to edit al the titles, numbering the axis’s, and axis title. I then had to insert the line of best fit and the percent of how the line fit. Even though some groups had trouble with their data we did not have that much problem.
A couple of our lines did not fit the best but our data was still right. Since I was done last Thursday I had just redesigned the way my spread sheet and graphs looked. This was very interesting to do since I had never done a lab like this ever. The part that interested me the most was how much information the program gives you for just moving up and down. Some of the info given was the power, the weight, battery used, Etc. Even though the battery usage was apparently not correct it was still interesting knowing it could do that. Another thing I found intriguing was how the data I automatically imported to Excel and how it gets organized by itself and you don’t do anything. But the 0’s that get inserted should never be deleted since I did and it messed up my data but I undid all that so the data now is still correct. Overall this lab was very interesting to do and how intriguing how the data we collected was right.
Very well structured and detailed. Well done on acknowledging the weak areas of your data.