Our past trip to the Sawyer Library was a great way to familiarize ourselves with the database tools that Suffolk offers. Although I had used the database feature prior to the lecture, I did learn of a couple useful tools I had never used previously. One tool in particular, I thought would come in handy was the ability to copy and paste a citation right from the article. This limits the hassle of trying to find information that isn’t readily available. Another useful feature is the ability to do an advanced search which makes finding relevant information easier. Although I was aware of this search option previously, I did not know of some of its features. The advanced search features the ability to filter the year in which an article was published, and ensure that it was peer reviewed by scholars. You can also filter items that don’t include it’s full text. Another tip I should also keep in mind is the AND word command. If you’re looking for an article that contains two specific words, type AND between the two words you’re looking for.
Specific databases that would be useful to our class were also discussed. Although I’ve discovered these specific databases myself, we were told of sites via the Sawyer Library website like Greenfile and Sciencedirect where we can access good information relative to our Sustainability class. It will be important to implement these tools for future research.
The library in general is a great place to accomplish work. Before our tour of the library I have used it’s quiet space to work on homework. I’ve also taken advantage of its textbooks that can be borrowed which is definitely handy. I’ve even used the library’s coin machine so I could do my laundry. It appears that the library’s resources are endless.