The Museum of Science was an incredible trip. I wish I had more time to explore all of it’s exhibits. The exhibits ranged the spectrum of scientific discovery, most importantly however to our sustainability class was the wind and solar section. It was nice to know the Museum of Science uses sustainable energy to help power the facility. For example, the electricity show was powered using the museums solar panels. It’s nice to know, not only does the museum promote the use of sustainable energy but follows through with their ideas. The museum as a whole was an inspirational setting and a great way to get excited about science. The wind and solar section offered a great deal of information about sustainable issues. Looking at the sustainable mechanisms set up around the museum gave me an idea of how to build my own original project. After leaving the museum I had this grand idea of building a contraption using a coil, magnet, mirror and solar panel. It was a bit unrealistic, but as the museum shows nothing is out of reach. It’s important to understand that although ridiculous ideas like the one I had, in their essence are ridiculous, these are the ideas that solve problems. If it wasn’t for people willing to explore and take some risks, our society would not be where it is today. Although it was a simple mechanism, one of the most interesting things I encountered at the museum of science was the gear display which allowed the observer to compare the use of one gear to multiple gears in spinning a disc. The simple use of gear can allow a disc to spin much faster than a single gear. I just thought that was fantastic. So all in all the Museum of Science was great, and I would love to go back!