Deciding On Our Experiment!

The first time our group got together many members were missing and very little was accomplished. In the following meeting’s however a great deal of theorizing about possible experiments took place. Our group was fairly ambitious with our ideas as we strived to create an interesting project. We had ideas of using a magnet to spin other magnets hoping we could incorporate a coil and generate electricity. Another idea I thought would be interesting involved a hot wheels car and an endless loop. The hot wheels car kits came with tracks which could form loops along with these plastic spinning wheel devices which propel the cars forward on the track. I thought it would be interesting to attach a magnet to a car and a coil around the looped track and have the car endlessly travel through the coil via the plastic spinning wheel device and ultimately generate electricity. Being a big hot wheels fan I thought it could work! Our group also found a video online which featured a device that was able to spin using the opposite charges of magnets. In theory this does work, however we didn’t’ realize how hard it was going to be. In the end however we were forced to settle with using the flashlight coil and magnet to produce voltage as we didn’t have enough time to experiment further with other magnet possibilities. The original idea we came up with involving the rotating magnets, incorporated a cup with magnets on the inside and outside, which would elevate above a pole and over a coil to produce voltage. We had a very difficult time however trying to get the cup to stay about the pole and spin correctly, which is why we decided to change the project.

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