Watching Pandora’s promise was indeed informative. Although I previously understood the possible dangers of nuclear energy, I was unaware of the degree to which people are frightened. Frankly I hadn’t know much about Nuclear Energy, and felt as though I’ve learned a lot. Although nuclear energy is a little unsettling, I understand the benefits it presents. There is something, as Mark Lynas explains still frightening about radiation, which is why, although presented with these facts, is still frightening. Nuclear Energy is a power source that can temporarily solve the energy crisis, in the safest way possible according to the film.
The beginning of the film finds Mark Lynas, an environmental scientist exploring Fukushima a year after the nuclear accident; although radiation was clearly present, the movie I believe, concludes later, did not have much of an impact on the people. The documentary goes on to discuss other nuclear accidents including Chernobyl and Three Mile Island; incidents I had little background in. Both accidents, according to the motion picture, were blown out of proportion. Apparently 50, of hundreds of thousands of workers died; workers responsible for cleaning up the mess (Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger, Pandora’s Promise). The movie discusses problems associated with renewable energy as well. Renewable energy is often times unavailable due to weather and other variables (wind, sun etc.), therefore natural gas must be used as a replacement unfortunately (Michael Shellenberger and Mark Lynas). Pandora’s Promise argues for Nuclear energy not just because of its safety, but because of their Greenhouse gas emissions which are virtually non-existent. It goes on to share the story of France, and their green country run mostly on nuclear energy. People don’t like the idea of nuclear energy because of it’s association with nuclear weapons according to the film. Interestingly enough, nuclear weapons can actually be used to fuel nuclear reactors which the US is doing, I found particularly interesting (Richard Rhodes Pandora’s Promise). Although I am still unsure of nuclear energy, it is comforting to know, as the movie puts it, that nuclear energy is replacing nuclear weapons, at least in some sense.
An interesting part of the movie was the section discussing the natural radiation people are exposed to on a daily basis. The levels of radiation people are exposed to vary around the world, particularly with elevation. Being in an airplane exposes you to more radiation than being on the ground (Mark Lynas, Pandora’s Promise). Still, according to the film their is no correlation between daily radiation and cancer, even with citizens of Japan.
The movie has convinced me that Nuclear Radiation is the best option. The movie contained interesting interviews with people who had changed their opinion on Nuclear Energy which offers an interesting view on the subject. The documentary was well written and easy to follow which is helpful to the casual viewer. The movie was a great look at an important subject people know little about.
Works Citied
Pandora’s Promise. Dir. Robert Stone. Prod. Robert Stone, Jim Swartz, and Susan Swartz. Perf. Gwyneth Cravens, Leonard J. “Len” Koch, Stewart Brand, Michael Shellenberger, Mark Lynas, Dr. Charles Still,. Impact Partners, 2013. Online.
Stone, Robert. From Pandora’s Promise Movie: Radiation Level In New York, Shown by person holding radiation instrument. Digital image. Http:// N.p., 13 June 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.
Great blog keep up the good work.
It’s true that people are afraid of the nuclear power due to the way it was used in making nuclear weapons. You mentioned that the US is using the nuclear energy to fuel reactors; however, you forgot to say that it was also the first country who used nuclear weapons in warfare.
This is a really good post
It was interesting to see how the people in the movie had their opinion changed after learning all of that. Did your opinion on nuclear energy change at all because of the movie?