Group Experiment

MAgnets, Coils, and Generators

Important Concepts:

◊ Generators are vital to the production of energy. If there is energy there is probably a generator involved. Generators create electricity by changing the magnetic field within a coil. Typically a generator will incorporate some device which constantly passes a magnet through a coil to generate this electricity. 

◊ Faraday’s Law are the most efficient generators have magnets travelling through coils at great speeds. Due to the high speeds of the magnet, the magnetic field changes much faster, generating more electricity. The connection between speed or rate, and voltage is known as Faraday’s Law (  It is for this reason that when the magnet is placed on the inside of the flashlight and shaken at different speeds, different voltages are produced.

In Sustainability It’s important to acknowledge that generators, although powered via fossil fuels have the ability to generate electricity from renewable resources. These renewable resources include nuclear energy, wind powered energy and hydroelectric energy. If a generator is to be considered renewable it must find a way to spin a turbine without the use of fossil fuels. To explore other renewable resources follow the link below.

◊Turbines ‘are a machine for producing continuous power in which a wheel or rotor, typically fitted with vanes, is made to revolve by a fast-moving flow of water, steam, gas, air, or other fluid.’ (Merriam Webster)

◊Magnetic Fields are ‘Regions around a magnet, electric current, or changing electric field in which magnetic forces are observable. The field around a permanent magnet or wire carrying a steady direct current is stationary, while that around an alternating current or changing direct current is continuously changing. Magnetic fields are commonly represented by continuous lines of force, or magnetic flux, that emerge from north-seeking magnetic poles and enter south-seeking poles. The density of the lines indicates the magnitude of the field, the lines being crowded together where the magnetic field is strong. The SI unit for magnetic flux is the weber.’ (Merriam Webster)

Strength of Magnets (Opposite Poles):

Video (7)

Magnets Repelling (Same Poles):

Video (8)

Video (6)

The Original Experiment Done In Class:

Method One: One magnet in the inside moving up and down slow:

Video (3)

Method Two: One magnet in the inside moving up and down medium speed:

Video (4)

Method Three: One magnet in the inside moving up and down fast:

Video (5)

Some ideas for our experiment

The Experiment we decided on was very different from our original plans. We had hoped to create a device self propelled by magnets of opposite charge, which would spin around a coil and generate ELECTRICITY. This however proved to be far more difficult than we expected. Using a paper cup we ATTACHED magets to the inside and outside of the cup,  held by three opposing charges. We placed this cup on a small poll set up like a football goal post hoping to put a copper coil in the center of the cup. The magnets on the outside of the cup were supposed to  help rotate the device around the post via an OPPOSITELY charged magnet. We found it too difficult to suspend the cup correctly which was necessary in order for the device to spin. due to our difficulties we decided to turn our experiment into the flashlight one described below.

The Experiment:

Procedure: This experiment will test the effects of a magnet on the outside of the copper coil, on the inside of the coil and with no magnet at all.

– To connect the flashlight to the NXT device, attach the ends of the two wires from the flashlight to the two different gator cables of the NXT. Connect the NXT to the computer via a USB cable and open up labview.Turn the NXT on by clicking the orange button; click my files, software files, generator lab, and then run generator lab to reach the voltage setting.

– The average voltage from each method, conducted for 10 seconds, will be recorded as as a single trial. To collect data on labview simply click the play button at the top left of the screen and the data will automatically record for 10 seconds.

– The voltage produced without a magnet will be tested first. This will be done by letting the flashlight sit without a magnet present. Only one trial of this method  is necessary.

– Then using the magnet, the amount of voltage generated from the outside is tested. The method for doing this is open to interpretation. Three different methods should be tested along with three different trials of each method.  The magnet can be moved back and forth both horizontally and vertically along the coil, or along the bottom of the flash light. More than one magnet can be combined and used in any way to obtain a voltage reading.

– The voltage generated from the magnet on the inside of the coil is then tested by placing the magnet inside the flashlight, covering the opening with one hand and shaking the flashlight back and forth with the same hand, allowing the magnet to pass back and forth through the coil. This may be done at various speeds to test for differences in voltage. This method should also be tried with two magnets instead of one.

– Method 1: No magnet On inside

Video (1)

Method 2: One Magnet on the outside

Video (2)

Method 3: Two Magnets on the outside


Method 4: One MAgnet on the top and one being Shaken on the Bottom

The Results:


The Results

The results of this experiment can tell us a lot about the function of generators. In method one no magnets were present, however the NXT device still detected some voltage. This method served as a control for the experiment; it showed a natural flux of voltage as detected by the device. Therefore if we obtained similar numbers when using a magnet, one might conclude the magnet was producing little or no charge. The second method, when a single magnet was shaken horizontally along the outside of the coil, little voltage was produce.  The highest voltage reading from the three trials was 0.207 Volts; not particularly significant. Method three followed the same procedure as the second, however, now with two magnets on the outside. This method also didn’t produce fairly significant results. Out of the three trials, the highest voltage produced was 0.194 V. The next method, 4, produced a maximum voltage of 0.117 V in trial three. This method involved shaking a magnet horizontally along the open end of the flashlight while another magnet sat on the top of the flashlight next to the bulb.

The next two methods produced the most significant amounts of voltage. In method five the magnet was placed on the inside of the flashlight. The highest voltage produced was in trial three with 4.082 V. It’s important to keep in mind however that the flashlight in this method was shaken relatively slowly compared to method six. In method six the magnet was also placed on the inside of the flashlight, however this time was shaken fast. This method produced a maximum voltage of 6.554 V.

*Many different trials of each method took place with various different voltage, therefore the voltages presented here only represent the maximum voltages of a  random single 20 second trial.

What Does This Mean?

– As you’ve probably noticed the voltages produced from method two, method three, and method four were all very similar. This is because in each of these methods the magnet was used on the outside of the flashlight. The greatest amount of voltage is produced when a magnet is passed through the inside of the coil. This is why the voltages were so high in methods five and six. Method six however, produced the highest voltage reading because the flashlight not only used a magnet on the inside of the coil but was shaken at the greatest speed. As mentioned previously, Faraday’s law dictates this principle. When a magnetic field changes, electricity is produced. If the field changes more rapidly then even more electricity is generated based on Faraday’s law. Therefore generators in the real world that want to produce large amount of energy Use turbines that will allow magnets to travel at high speeds Inside of a Coil.

Our Trip the Dorchester Academy and Boston Tech

Going to these inner city schools was a fun experience, we enjoyed sharing our findings and project with these two classes mostly because the kids at these schools payed attention and were in fact interested. It felt good to make a positive impact on kids who are going to be where we are now in a year or two, because we remember when colleges came in to talk to us and we know it impacted and we looked up to those kids because they could tell us what it is really like for them and not just what the school says the life of a student is like in and out of the class room. It was just nice to be able to say that we could have been able to influence a kid who is maybe lost as to what he or she wants to do or where to go to school, we know not all of them learned or cared but even if we helped just one of them then we did our job and that is a great feeling.

Works Cited

“Faraday’s law of induction (physics).” Encyclopedia Britannica Online.  Encyclopedia   Britannica, n.d. Web. 24 Nov. 2013
“Magnetism.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2013.


The generator experiment was a very interesting one and what would ultimately become our groups end of the year project. The principle behind this experiment was to generate voltage using a flashlight equipped with a magnet and a coil. The coil was located on the inside of the flashlight. Also within the flashlight was a magnet that could freely pass through the coil upon shaking. Instead of using the electricity generated to power the flashlight, it was read in volts using the NXT device. It’s important to understand that magnets generate a field around themselves which in turn allows them to produce electricity, by changing this magnetic field. The copper coil is used to create this change in field. It’s important however that this change takes place on the inside of the coil. Based on our end of the year experiment, our group found that a magnet on the outside produced little voltage compared to the magnet on the inside of the coil. I hypothesis that the change in magnetic field is not as great when the magnet is used on the outside. In this experiment we tested the variation of speeds at which the magnet passed through the coil by physically shaking the flashlight either slower or faster. The faster the flashlight was shaken, the greater the voltages were, because of Faraday’s law. Faraday’s law shows that the speed at which the magnetic field changes affects the voltages produced. When the magnetic field changes faster or more times consecutively, more electricity is created.


Deciding On Our Experiment!

The first time our group got together many members were missing and very little was accomplished. In the following meeting’s however a great deal of theorizing about possible experiments took place. Our group was fairly ambitious with our ideas as we strived to create an interesting project. We had ideas of using a magnet to spin other magnets hoping we could incorporate a coil and generate electricity. Another idea I thought would be interesting involved a hot wheels car and an endless loop. The hot wheels car kits came with tracks which could form loops along with these plastic spinning wheel devices which propel the cars forward on the track. I thought it would be interesting to attach a magnet to a car and a coil around the looped track and have the car endlessly travel through the coil via the plastic spinning wheel device and ultimately generate electricity. Being a big hot wheels fan I thought it could work! Our group also found a video online which featured a device that was able to spin using the opposite charges of magnets. In theory this does work, however we didn’t’ realize how hard it was going to be. In the end however we were forced to settle with using the flashlight coil and magnet to produce voltage as we didn’t have enough time to experiment further with other magnet possibilities. The original idea we came up with involving the rotating magnets, incorporated a cup with magnets on the inside and outside, which would elevate above a pole and over a coil to produce voltage. We had a very difficult time however trying to get the cup to stay about the pole and spin correctly, which is why we decided to change the project.

Museum of Science

The Museum of Science was an incredible trip. I wish I had more time to explore all of it’s exhibits. The exhibits ranged the spectrum of scientific discovery, most importantly however to our sustainability class was the wind and solar section. It was nice to know the Museum of Science uses sustainable energy to help power the facility. For example, the electricity show was powered using the museums solar panels. It’s nice to know, not only does the museum promote the use of sustainable energy but follows through with their ideas. The museum as a whole was an inspirational setting and a great way to get excited about science. The wind and solar section offered a great deal of information about sustainable issues. Looking at the sustainable mechanisms set up around the museum gave me an idea of how to build my own original project. After leaving the museum I had this grand idea of building a contraption using a coil, magnet, mirror and solar panel. It was a bit unrealistic, but as the museum shows nothing is out of reach. It’s important to understand that although ridiculous ideas like the one I had, in their essence are ridiculous, these are the ideas that solve problems. If it wasn’t for people willing to explore and take some risks, our society would not be where it is today. Although it was a simple mechanism, one of the most interesting things I encountered at the museum of science was the gear display which allowed the observer to compare the use of one gear to multiple gears in spinning a disc. The simple use of gear can allow a disc to spin much faster than a single gear. I just thought that was fantastic. So all in all the Museum of Science was great, and I would love to go back!




Nuclear Energy and MIT

I felt as though I was in a science fiction film; the sealed door that opened upon the other being closed and the radiation detectors we were asked to wear before beginning the tour, all added to the environment. We first were given a tour regarding the principles if the reactor and then a walk through of the reactor it’s self.

The purpose of the Nuclear Reactor at MIT is for scientific experiments. Nuclear Reactors with the intention of commercial energy are different than the one found at MIT; however as the lecturer explained, that was not the schools intention. Although this reactor is not used to produce energy, fossil fuel reduction is a concern of researchers, as the reactor is used to advance knowledge in the field of Nuclear Energy ( As far as sustainability is concerned, this research will be important in improving reactors of the future.

One feature of the reactor I read about online and discussed on the tour was the usage of heavy water in the reactor. The neutrons spread as a result of fission, so to continue these reactions, heavy water is used as a reflective tool, I believe, to keep the neutrons in a specific area of the reactor ( – brochure on the reactor). The reactor has also been used for the treatment of cancer; via what is called Boron Neutron Capture Theory. The combination of Boron, located in brain tumors, in combination with a ray of neutrons, dissipates the tumor ( On the tour we were able to see the room in which this procedure used to take place.

Safety is a serious concern at the reactor. Before entering the facility, the tour guide showed us a board mounted on the wall consisting of light bulbs, each with a corresponding name. Workers still in the reactor are indicated by a glowing bulb, which is helpful in case of an emergency. Then, upon leaving the reactor, we were checked for radiation twice.

In terms of shutting down the reactor, blades of boron are used. Blades of Boron are located within the reactor and have the ability of absorbing neutrons ( collection of neutrons may also be why Boron is important in Boron Neutron Capture Theory. The word SCRAM was used pretty frequently on the tour and refers to the shut down of the reactor. SCRAM stands for Safety Control Rod Axe Man. In order for the blades to be dropped, a rope, I believe carrying the boron used to be cut, however, this technique is no longer in practice.

If interested in working at a Nuclear Power Plant, a high school diploma and the preparedness for a required test is all you need ( Our lecturer I believe, had only a high school diploma.

 It will be interesting to see what new research will come out of the facility in the future.

Nuclear Energy 1

Works Cited

Amiri, Akilah. Image of Atom – With Particles Moving Around Nucleous. Digital image.Http:// N.p., 20 Feb. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.

Frohlick, Thomas C. “24/7 Wall St. – Insightful Analysis and Commentary for U.S. and Global Equity Investors.” N.p., 26 Aug. 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.

“MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory: Home.” MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory: Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2013.

The Promise of Nuclear Energy

Watching Pandora’s promise was indeed informative. Although I previously understood the possible dangers of nuclear energy, I was unaware of the degree to which people are frightened. Frankly I hadn’t know much about Nuclear Energy, and felt as though I’ve learned a lot. Although nuclear energy is a little unsettling, I understand the benefits it presents. There is something, as Mark Lynas explains still frightening about radiation, which is why, although presented with these facts, is still frighteningNuclear Energy is a power source that can temporarily solve the energy crisis, in the safest way possible according to the film.

The beginning of the film finds Mark Lynas, an environmental scientist exploring Fukushima a year after the nuclear accident; although radiation was clearly present, the movie I believe, concludes later, did not have much of an impact on the people.  The documentary goes on to discuss other nuclear accidents including Chernobyl and Three Mile Island; incidents I had little background in. Both accidents, according to the motion picture, were blown out of proportion. Apparently 50, of hundreds of thousands of workers died; workers responsible for cleaning up the mess (Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger, Pandora’s Promise). The movie discusses problems associated with renewable energy as well. Renewable energy is often times unavailable due to weather and other variables (wind, sun etc.), therefore natural gas must be used as a replacement unfortunately (Michael Shellenberger and Mark Lynas). Pandora’s Promise argues for Nuclear energy not just because of its safety, but because of their Greenhouse gas emissions which are virtually non-existent. It goes on to share the story of France, and their green country run mostly on nuclear energy.  People don’t like the idea of nuclear energy because of it’s association with nuclear weapons according to the film.  Interestingly enough, nuclear weapons can actually be used to fuel nuclear reactors which the US is doing, I found particularly interesting (Richard Rhodes Pandora’s Promise).  Although I am still unsure of nuclear energy, it is comforting to know, as the movie puts it, that nuclear energy is replacing nuclear weapons, at least in some sense.

An interesting part of the movie was the section discussing the natural radiation people are exposed to on a daily basis. The levels of radiation people are exposed to vary around the world, particularly with elevation. Being in an airplane exposes you to more radiation than being on the ground (Mark Lynas, Pandora’s Promise). Still, according to the film their is no correlation between daily radiation and cancer, even with citizens of Japan.

New York Radiation

The movie has convinced me that Nuclear Radiation is the best option. The movie contained interesting interviews with people who had changed their opinion on Nuclear Energy which offers an interesting view on the subject.  The documentary was well written and easy to follow which is helpful to the casual viewer. The movie was a great look at an important subject people know little about.

Works Citied

Pandora’s Promise. Dir. Robert Stone. Prod. Robert Stone, Jim Swartz, and Susan Swartz. Perf. Gwyneth Cravens, Leonard J. “Len” Koch, Stewart Brand, Michael Shellenberger, Mark Lynas, Dr. Charles Still,. Impact Partners, 2013. Online.

Stone, Robert. From Pandora’s Promise Movie: Radiation Level In New York, Shown by person holding radiation instrument. Digital image. Http:// N.p., 13 June 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.


Energy, Mass and Acceleration: An Experiment on Newtons Second Law and the Law of Conservation of Energy

Force equals mass times acceleration; an equation important both to our experiment on Newton’s Second Law and sustainability issues in general. This experiment tested the relationship between mass, power, acceleration and potential energy; all important tools of measurement related to energy.  Mass and acceleration are inversely related according to Newton’s Second Law equation. This means that when one value increases, the other decreases.  A pulley system was set up in witch one end a motor was mounted and the other a set of weights. The motor pulled a string attached to the object causing it to rise at a specific acceleration depending on the objects mass. For the first part of the lab, we showed this by decreasing the mass of the object (the object will be considered the weights and the stand in which they are placed).  You will see based on our data that as the object became lighter the acceleration increased.  The first mass we used was 210 grams (g.) or .21 kilograms, which equated to an acceleration of 39.53 RPM/s. When the object had a mass of 90 g or .09 kg it’s acceleration was 51.24 RPM/s, proving that as mass decreased the acceleration increased. As with acceleration, speed also increased with a decrease in mass.

IMG_0509     Mass vA

For the second part of this experiment acceleration of the object was tested via a change in power (force in Newton’s equation) instead of mass. 100% power left us with an acceleration of 89.32 RPM/s and when this power was dropped to 60%, the acceleration was 21.80 RPM/s.  This shows us that when one value is kept constant on the right side of the equation, force increases or decreases, depending on the increase or decrease of the value that changes.

Power Level Vs. A

Although not physically tested (the computer calculated this information) the relationship between the percent of power and the actual power used was linear. For each trial our power was 20% less than the previous, while each measurement of power used decreased by roughly .09  each trial.  Another calculation not physically tested was the potential energy of the object.

Power Level vs. Power Used

Potential energy was calculated to demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Energy. The potential energy of the object increased as it neared the top of the pulley system. Potential energy is measured in Joules, as is force. Theoretically, the force used to move the object to the top of the pulley system is the same as its potential energy, which is why energy is said to be conserved (did not work out when I calculated this).  Power is similar to potential energy and force, but is different because it is dependent on time ( By definition power is joules divided by time and measured in what is called Watts (

When comparing the mass of the object and battery discharge, oddly enough the battery discharge stayed relatively the same regardless of the objects mass. The three recording’s of battery discharge were 42, 41, 69 and 41. So roughly in the 42 or 41 kv range. It is unknown why one of the discharges was randomly 69 kv. It would be expected that the battery discharge would decrease with the decrease in mass because theoretically less work is being done, however based on the results this did not happen (lab outline). It was posted in the outline of the lab that battery discharge is inaccurate which I’m assuming is why our data appeared the way it did. The outline also talked of the significance of battery discharge and its correlation with potential energy. Potential energy is theoretically equivalent to battery discharge. This makes sense because potential energy is the amount of energy the object has when it is at the top of the pulley system. However, in order to reach this point an equivalent amount of energy must be used, in the form of battery discharge, to move the object to that position.

Mass vs. Battery Discharge

As Albert Einstein discovered, mass is equivalent to energy, which is why this equation of F=ma is so important to sustainability related issues. In order to obtain energy we need something with mass, which is why we don’t get energy from nothing. This mass also needs to be put into motion, or accelerated which also takes energy (Pandora’s Promise, Stone). The movement and acceleration of particles and their mass are used to calculate energy. Energy they we are currently running out of. This is why there is an energy crisis. In this experiment we also calculated potential energy, which is important when talking about fossil fuels, because fossil fuels are in fact pure potential energy, and unfortunately fossil fuels are not unlimited.

Speed (RPM) Battery Discharge (kv) Mass (kg) Power Level (%) Time (s) Acceleration (RPM/s) g (m/s^2) Height (m) mgh (j) Power used
82.856234 42 0.21 75 2.096 39.530646 9.8 0.249 0.512442 0.244485687
86.073675 41 0.17 75 1.855 46.400903 9.8 0.249 0.414834 0.223630189
90.203426 69 0.13 75 1.868 48.288772 9.8 0.249 0.317226 0.169821199
94.33279 41 0.09 75 1.841 51.239973 9.8 0.249 0.219618 0.119292776
123.706378 69 0.21 100 1.385 89.318684 9.8 0.249 0.512442 0.369994224
89.983931 111 0.21 80 1.867 48.197071 9.8 0.249 0.512442 0.274473487
61.555713 69 0.21 60 2.824 21.797349 9.8 0.249 0.512442 0.181459632

Works Cited

Pandora’s Promise. Dir. Robert Stone. Prod. Dan Cogan, Paul Allan, Jody Allan Aimee, and Frank Batton. By Robert Stone. Perf. Gwyneth Cravens, Leonard J. “Len” Koch. 2013. DVD.

“Work, Energy, and Power – Table of Contents.” Work, Energy, and Power – Table of Contents. The Physics Classroom, n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2013

Fortunately, the government is regulating the automotive industry and placing standards on the fuel economy. With this being said, it is now required for vehicles to receive, technically speaking 54.5 miles per gallon (mpg) by 2025 (Vlasic and Trop). There is controversy however surrounding the computer program used to calculate this number.

Its important that fuel efficiency be a concern of automobile customers, because the more gas they are consuming the bigger their impact is on the environment.  Which is why this topic is so important to sustainability issues. There are obvious ways to increase gas mileage, one of them being the electric car and its many versions, however, there are many ways to increase the gas mileage of fossil fuel based cars. A great example of such a car is the Toyota Prius. The Prius is not primarily a gas based vehicle, because it does, however, have an electric motor ( An interesting feature that the car utilizes is it’s ability to know when gas or electricity will be more efficient.  A car that receives, according to the manufacturer, 51 mpg in the city and 48 mpg on the highway (; incredibly close to standards that aren’t supposed to be reached until 2025. When driving, there are many instances when a car is stationary yet the engine continues to run. The Prius solves this problem by incorporating starter alternators, allowing the engine to shut down when the car is not in motion (Fischetti). This technology could be useful for many cars of the future. Another feature which I found particularly interesting, was the cars use of friction for power. The natural friction produced when a car brakes can be used as electricity for the cars own consumption. This is called regenerative braking (Fischetti).

Toyota Prius

Toyota Prius


Another way to increase mpg involves the the built of the engine itself. There are pros and cons to both gas powered engines and diesel powered engines. What is of interest however, is the combination of the two.  Diesel engines offer more miles to the gallon, which is obviously important, but we need to also keep in mind the effects of greenhouse gas emissions, which are more expensive to handle in diesel engines than in gas powered engines (Gitlin and Niemeyer). Combining the two engines solves both problems of fuel economy and emissions. This engine is referred to as a Homogeneous Charge Compression Engine (HCCI engine). Although they do minimize soot and nitrogen emissions they have problems with carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon emissions (Gitlin and Niemeyer). Gas engines deal with these kinds of emissions better than HCCI engines.  (Gitlin and Niemeyer)  Right now I don’t believe any HCCI engines are in production, hopefully however, they provide more efficient automobiles for the future.

As a car owner there are some things you can do to increase your own gas mileage, that doesn’t  involve purchasing a Prius, such as frequently checking your tire pressure ( The less inflated your tires the fewer miles to the gallon you’re going to get. Also try to keep your driving more consistent. You will use less gas if you’re not always applying the brakes and re-accelerating.  And Slow down! The faster you drive the more gas you are using!!


Works Cited   – Image

Fischetti, Mark. “Can U.S. Cars Meet the New 45 Mpg CAFE Standards? Yes They Can.” Weblog post. Http:// N.p., 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.

“Gas Mileage Tips – Keeping Your Vehicle in Shape.” Gas Mileage Tips – Keeping Your Vehicle in Shape. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.

Vlasic, Bill, and Jaclyne Trop. “Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Reaches a High, Nearing Goal for 2016.” The New York Times 10 Sept. 2013, Business Day: Energy and Enviornment sec.: n. pag. Print. Toyota Motor Sales, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2013.



Lego Mindstorm

 It’s undeniable that moving the lego robot via the computer was a lot of fun. The purpose of this activity or experiment, was to understand computing different measurements while working with technology that is relevant to the field of sustainability and energy, as technology exploration will be of the utmost importance in the future. Each group constructed a robot out of lego based materials. We then used this robot to test measurements of distance and velocity compared to wheel circumference and wheel rotation.

 Lego Mindstorm

   Represented below are two different data sets taken from the experiment performed with the lego robot. The experiment measured the distance the robot travelled in comparison with the wheels circumference, velocity, and number of wheel turns. The data is represented below in two data sets. Two different wheel diameters were used, one roughly .1619 m and one slightly larger. Unfortunately, the other diameter used was not recorded. The diameter or circumference of a vehicle or in this case, robot, is related to distance. In one wheel turn, the distance the robot has covered is equivalent to the circumference of the wheel. Larger circumferences compared to smaller ones, equate to larger distances if the same amount of power is used. Unfortunately, for our experiment, we did not change the power, which would have shown this correlation. I believe that if the power increased however, then the distance would also increase. The only circumstance in which an increase in power would result in a decrease in distance would be if the circumference of the wheels changed.  What is shown in the data, however, is that the greater number of wheel turns equal greater distances, based off of the computer measurements. For the first data set the three number of wheel turns were 1.51, 1.48, and 1.50. For 1.5,  the correlating distance was 26.45 cm. 1.48 rotations equated to 26.0 cm and for 1.50 rotations the distance was 26.25 cm. I was unsure however, which unit these wheel turns were measured in, however, the importance is, that the greater the rotation rate the greater the distance.  When the wheels of the robot were at 1.51 rotations, the most ground was covered. The same was true for data set 2. Another piece of data that should be pointed out is velocity. If you look at the sets of data, it appears that the velocity shares the same figures as distance. Velocity is a measure of the amount of distance covered (in meters) in a specific amount of time (seconds). Since both velocity and distance share the same numbers, this tells you that the robot was in motion for only 1 second. You can see, based on the data sets that all of the numbers correlate one way or another to each other, which I believe was a very important aspect of this lab; understanding the correlation in technology related measurements.

Another important feature of the data was the distance recorded by a human subject. After the robot ran its course for one second the distance was also measured directly with a ruler, which I must say was difficult in terms of accuracy.  In the second set of data, the human measurement was off by more than 2 cm each time, however, in the first set of data the measurements were closer in accuracy, however still off by a significant amount.  Computers will always be more accurate, because of a humans ability to make accurate measurements.

The experiment introduced basic technology and measurements in the hopes of familiarizing ourselves with technology that will be used in the future of sustainability and energy problems.


Data Set 1  Data Set 2
Distance: Human Measurement (cm) Distance: Computer Measurement (cm) Distance: Human Measurement (cm) Distance: Computer Measurement (cm)
Trial 1 26.9 26.4489 Trial 1 28.8 26.2409
Trial 2 27.7 26.0089 Trial 2 28.5 26.288
Trial 3 27.8 26.25 Trial 3 28.4 24.87
Velocity (m/s) Velocity (m/s)
Trial 1 0.2645 Trial 1 .262409
Trial 2 0.2601 Trial 2 .26288
Trial 3 0.2625 Trial 3 .248747
Number of Wheel Turns Number of Wheel Turns
Trial 1 1.50278 Trial 1 1.54722
Trial 2 1.47778 Trial 2 1.55
Trial 3 1.49167 Trial 3 1.46667
Rotation 1 Rotation 2 Rotation 1 Rotation 2
Trial 1 541 548 Trial 1 557 565
Trial 2 532                                                                 ? Trial 2 558 566
Trial 3 537 544 Trial 3 528 536


Suffolk Sawyer Library

Our past trip to the Sawyer Library was a great way to familiarize ourselves with the database tools that Suffolk offers.  Although I had used the database feature prior to the lecture, I did learn of a couple useful tools I had never used previously. One tool in particular, I thought would come in handy was the ability to copy and paste a citation right from the article. This limits the hassle of trying to find information that isn’t readily available.  Another useful feature is the ability to do an advanced search which makes finding relevant information easier. Although I was aware of this search option previously, I did not know of some of its features. The advanced search features the ability to filter the year in which an article was published, and ensure that it was peer reviewed by scholars. You can also filter items that don’t include it’s full text. Another tip I should also keep in mind is the AND word command. If you’re looking for an article that contains two specific words, type AND between the two words you’re looking for.

Specific databases that would be useful to our class were also discussed. Although I’ve discovered these specific databases myself, we were told of sites via the Sawyer Library website like Greenfile and Sciencedirect where we can access good information relative to our Sustainability class. It will be important to implement these tools for future research.


The library in general is a great place to accomplish work. Before our tour of the library I have used it’s quiet space to work on homework. I’ve also taken advantage of its textbooks that can be borrowed which is definitely handy. I’ve even used the library’s coin machine so I could do my laundry. It appears that the library’s resources are endless.


The Library's Catalog and Database's can be found at

The Library’s Catalog and Database’s can be found here  at