
As a learning tool, we were set out to create robots and command them to do various things. After assembling the robot to our liking, we then attached the little guy to the computer and began to program him. Through the process we learned how to make him sing, set time measures, maneuver him, along with all different types of commands.

As a final assessment of our robot, we set out to make him complete a circle about a meter or so in size. Trial one was set up with the following data:

Time: 20 seconds

Power 1: 15

Power 2: 50

Circumference pie x wheel diameter: .1700

Rotation (in degrees): 234+235

# of Wheel Turns: .65

Distance: 0-1105

Velocity (distance/time): .1105

To our dismay, these calculations did not work in our favor; they created small circles, instead of a meter sized circle. We needed a high power level in order to make larger circles. We altered the power levels to Power 1: 30 and Power 2: 50 which lead us to successfully have our robot turn a meter sized circle. This power combination made for a perfect meter sized circle.

This activity was a lot of fun and very informative. it was very interesting to implement what we learned into a “real life robot”. Being able to program the robot really drove the lesson home so to speak.

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