Iran Nuclear Energy: Deception

Iran Nuclear Energy Plan

Iran isn’t exactly a ‘friendly’ country for anyone who lives in the USA. So the thought of Iran using Nuclear energy can be frightening. Even though they never claim that they are building nuclear weapons, there has been much suspicion against that claim, however. After many threats and disputes against Iran’s use of nuclear weapons and the enrichment of uranium, the dispute was finally settled. On July 14th, limits were set on the amount of work that the Islamic State could perform on their Nuclear Projects. As an example, they were given a limit to how enriched they could make their Uranium, this of course preventing them from creating anything too pwerful, which if used as a weapon could be devasting for the entire country, and perhaps even worse.

Iranian students form a human chain around the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) in Isfahan, 430 km (267 miles)  south of the capital, Tehran August 16, 2005. Iran's new chief nuclear negotiator has said further talks can resolve its atomic standoff with the West, while insisting that Tehran will not give up its plans to develop a full nuclear fuel cycle. "Iran deems it a principle to continue talks and it accepts negotiation as the right manner," Ali Larijani, installed as secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council on Monday, told the Sharq daily in an interview published on Tuesday.   REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
Iranian students form a human chain around the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) in Isfahan, 430 km (267 miles) south of the capital, Tehran August 16, 2005. Iran’s new chief nuclear negotiator has said further talks can resolve its atomic standoff with the West, while insisting that Tehran will not give up its plans to develop a full nuclear fuel cycle. “Iran deems it a principle to continue talks and it accepts negotiation as the right manner,” Ali Larijani, installed as secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council on Monday, told the Sharq daily in an interview published on Tuesday. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi


Why did Iran feel the need to create nuclear weapons in the first place? Well, dating all the way back to 1984, Iran was in a war with Iraq, and fearing that the Iraqi leader was developing nuclear weapons, Iran felt the need to also create their own weapons of mass destruction in order to defend themselves in the eventful situation that they were attacked by nuclear weapons. The first Nuclear plant began construction in 1975, but due to a revolution happening at the time in the country, the development was stopped. Then in 1995 Russian and Iran signed a deal to finish building the plant, and until this day it is up and running. But since the first plant, Iran has built, in secrecy, other nuclear plants which have the capabilities to create nuclear weapons. This is a reason why there was much dispute and eventually a restricition on Iran’s Nuclear development. They have lied and hidden important secrets from the world. So no one trusts them anymore.


Iran continued to try and develop nuclear weapons. In 2011, they said they were getting close to a breakthrough in their project, and this only scared people more. Through the next 4 years until July 14th, 2015, Iran encountered numerous hardships and opposition in their development of nuclear weapons. The US congress said that Iran could not be trusted, and many agreed. No deal would have offered Iran the ability to develop nuclear weapons, some supporters even say a war could have broke up if they were allowed to do so.

Shake Generator Blog


Faraday’s Law

Technical Definition: “Faraday’s Law states that changing magnetic fluxes through coiled wires generate electricity (currents and voltage).   The greater is the change in magnetic flux, the greater are the currents and voltages.  In this lab you will be shaking a tube which has a magnet that will travel back and forth through a coil of wires.  You will show that the faster you shake the tube, the greater will be the generated voltage.”

Simplified Definition: Faraday’s Law states that changing the magnetic flux through a coil produces electricity. So the faster the conductor passes through the coil, the greater the change in flux, and the more electricity that is produced. FASTER SHAKE equals MORE ELECTRICITY”

Our data was set to increasing the amount of shakes over a fixed amount of time, 30 seconds. In other words, we increase the speed at which the conductor passes through the magnet. The final value is the sum of voltages gathered throughout the trial.

0 shakes

30 Shakes

64 shakes 90 shakes 120 shakes
-0.78449 0.10078 6.41314 -0.96411 0.0238
0.04946 0.01097 6.45163 0.26757 -5.58291
0.06229 -0.00186 0.0238 -3.77388 -0.00186
0.01097 2.24339 1.16567 0.13927 -5.57008
0.0238 0.0238 -0.04035 0.13927 0.01097
0.07512 0.10078 4.53996 -5.55725 0.7936
0.10078 -5.57008 -1.93919 -0.24563 -0.05318
0.03663 0.01097 -0.20714 0.83209 6.47729
6.57993 -0.00186 0.08795 1.46076 0.10078
0.10078 0.0238 -1.82372 -0.06601 -0.02752
-0.00186 0.06229 -0.2328 -2.77314 6.52861
-0.00186 -0.00186 0.22908 -2.22145 -5.54442
-0.00186 -0.00186 -1.65693 -1.40033 -0.00186
-0.00186 -0.00186 -1.42599 1.84566 -0.14299
-0.00186 -0.16865 1.84566 2.62829 -3.50445
0.10078 0.08795 -1.46448 -3.60709 0.03663
0.01097 0.0238 -1.37467 -0.55355 -0.07884
0.08795 -0.00186 0.01097 2.7181 3.84714
0.04946 -0.05318 3.85997 2.64112 0.04946
0.08795 1.28114 0.1521 -0.04035 -0.07884
0.11361 -0.00186 -2.01617 -0.96411 -0.18148
0.07512 -0.00186 -1.45165 1.74302 3.24413
0.08795 0.07512 -3.96633 3.8728 -1.96485
0.07512 0.0238 2.21773 -3.10672 0.22908
0.06229 0.07512 -2.029 -0.04035 0.08795
0.03663 -0.14299 -0.19431 0.11361 -0.00186
-0.01469 0.07512 1.85849 3.28262 -3.02974
0.07512 -0.00186 1.28114 -1.95202 1.78151
0.10078 0.08795 -1.41316 0.0238 -0.82298
44.02659 37.8107 177.1795 144.8581 232.7844

IMG_0146Our data and graph support Faraday’s Law. In general, our graph had a positive upwards trend, meaning an increase in speed of shaking increased the total voltage produced by the generator. However by the graph, our data taking was not entirely accurate. The main problem was trying to count the number of shakes accurately, especially as the speed of the shaking gets higher and higher. Trying to shake at a constant speed throughout the whole trial was also not entirely accurate either. Overall this experiment is very prone to operation error, but the overall trend of our conclusions is still true.