Obama and Climate Change


President Obama is one of the best presidents of the country’s history. He has improved the economy significantly by creating jobs, improved foreign relations, better funded healthcare and education across the nation; these are just a few of the hundreds of achievements Obama has accomplished as president of the United States. Amongst his greatest achievements is his “The Clean Power Plan” where Obama set out to “reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030”. Obama’s plan set out not to only slow down the harmful effects of climate change, but also to improve our economy through investing in renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro, and wind power.

Carbon emissions is the number one factor that contributes to global climate change. So it is reasonable to assume that Obama’s primary concern would be to reduce carbon emissions in any way possible. Obama is doing this by creating standards and regulations for Power Plants to reduce how much they produce carbon emissions, an important step in the write direction. As previously stated, the hope is to reduce carbon emissions by 32% by 2030. The second largest contributor to carbon emissions are motor vehicles. What Obama has done, is the same as for power plants, he is regulating the Carbon emissions in this industry as well. How he is doing this is by setting a standard for passenger vehicles to have a fuel efficiency of 54.5 mpg by the year 2025.  

Another primary focus of Obama is by expanding the clean power economy, and hopes to raise clean power generation by 30%. He has secured billions of dollars in funds to go towards renewable energy sources, including solar and wind. Especially solar, in the past couple years the number of houses and buildings that use solar power has greatly increased. This is not from reading an article either. Simply from walking walking around my own neighborhood. Many houses have begun implementing solar panels to their roofs, and new houses especially. As an example new housing complexes along Hyde Park avenue have implemented solar panels.

Year 2012
Obama’s Plan by 2025


Obama is a president that truly cares about the state of our planet. He was the first president to visit the arctic circle in order to truly observe, first hand, the effects of what we had done to our planet. He realizes that climate change is no longer something to be concerned about in the future, it is happening now. “‘we will condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair: submerged countries, abandoned cities, fields no longer growing’” (Obama). Obama is not yet satisfied with what we have done. The numbers are impressive feats, compared to what any president has done before, but Obama will not stop until he has completed everything he can in the year he has left as our president.

Lego Mindstorm

Robots have revolutionized how we live our lives, they are a technology that has improved our efficiency in even the smallest tasks. Recently in class, we built a lego robot that is programmable to move in any direction and speed that we command it to. Not only is the lego robot able to move in a straight lines, it is able to move along a curved path as well. The lego robot is programmable through a program called labview. Using this program we are able to modify the power that is inputted into the motors, thus dictating it’s speed and direction of travel.


Power (w) Circumference


# wheel turns Measured Distance (m) Labview Distance


Average Distance (m) Velocity (m/s) % Error
75 0.1696 1.544 0.274 0.262 0.268 0.274 4.477
100 0.1696 2.177 0.364 0.369 0.3665 0.364 -1.364
125 0.1696 2.114 0.365 0.359 0.362 0.365 1.657


The wheel rotation (in degrees and in number of turns). How are the degrees that the wheel rotated related to the number of turns of the wheel?

The degrees that the wheel turned is equal to the the number of wheel turns multiplied by 360 degrees. This is because one full wheel rotation means the wheel has turned 360 degrees, so: 360 x # of wheel turns = n degrees

The time it took for the wheels to turn (in seconds and milliseconds). How are seconds related to milliseconds?

The time it took the wheels to turn once is equal to the circumference multiplied by the reciprocal of the velocity. So:

Power 75: 0.1696 m x 1/(0.274 m/s) = 0.618 s

Power 100: 0.1696 m x 1/(0.364 m/s) = 0.466 s

Power 125: 0.1696 m x 1/(0.365 m/s) = 0.465 s

1 second is equal to 1000 milliseconds.

The distance the car moved. How is the distance related to the number of turns

For distances refer to table. The distance is the circumference multiplied by the number of wheel turns.


Also, by measuring the diameter of the wheels of our lego robot, given an allotted time, the program will give a predicted distance travel and average velocity. However, because the robot’s wheels act independently, they are not perfectly in sync; and thus the path followed by the robot is not a perfectly straight line. This leads to discrepancies in the labview calculated distance travel (which assumes a perfectly straight path) versus what we actually measure the distance to be with a ruler. Another possibility for error in the data was the kick back from the robot braking. Every Time the lego robot stopped, the back end of the robot slight rose due to the abrupt stop. That momentum then pushed the robot back,  causing it to lose some of it’s travelled distance

Would You Support a Ban on GMOs?

Genetically Modified Organisms are organisms that DNA has been altered through genetic engineering techniques. While GMOs normally carry a negative connotation, they do have their benefits. GMOs can allow crops to resist weeds and diseases better, prolong shelf life, and lead to bigger yields of crop with an equal amount of land. However. even with benefits, the drawbacks outweigh the advantages. GMOs often add proteins that aren’t originally found in the organism, which can lead to new allergic reactions. Even more importantly, the antibodies used on these organisms can in fact lower our own resistance to certain bacteria, making us more susceptible to diseases. Besides the risks to us, gene migration is a problem where the herbicides used to help crops could transfer over to weeds, allowing weeds, as well as our own crops to grow. FInally turning our focus on the specific controversy over GMOs in Hawaii; as growing many tropical crops is a huge revenue for the state, banning GMOs could affect the economy through reduction in productivity, but it should be worth it considering the possible risks associated with GMOs, right?

Greggor Ilagan was initially very supportive of the ban on GMOs’ but through time with many of the negative claims against GMOs seemingly falling short of a solid case, he had switched to be against the banning of GMOs. The difficulty in the situation is the contrasting data, research, and stories about the effects of GMOs. Something as extreme as tumorous rats seems unlikely, but with many citizens telling “personal tales of all manner of illness, including children’s allergies, cured after going on a ‘non-G.M.O.’ diet.” (A Lonely Quest for the Facts on GMOs) while some researchers are getting evidence to disprove their stories and other research getting the exact opposite, it is hard to know who is right, and who is wrong. Farmers and planters are in resistance to the ban because of the impact it could have on their business. To be fair, I can’t blame them for thinking that way, a business is a business, and especially when the negativity surrounding GMOs is not entirely backed by science, how can the council expect them to just give it up? As Sibucao states, “the bill would stigmatize any genetically modified food, making the Rainbow harder to sell”(A Lonely Quest for the Facts on GMOs) even if they were still allowed to sell it. Given the many accounts on GMOs, it seems as though GMOs have a fairly even balance of pros and cons. However, the citizens of Hawaii seemed to be in favor of banning them. why?

When it comes to something as vital as food, do we really want it entering our bodies unless we are 100% sure of it’s safety? According to Wedmd.com “An agency of the World Health Organization has classified the main chemical used in Roundup as a ‘probable carcinogen.’ That means they think it probably increases the risk of cancer” (The Truth about GMOs). This is not something that can be swept under the rug, no matter what way you analyze it, and how large the risk is, people will forever be afraid of GMOs. At the end of the day, this fear is what brought the supporters of the ban to victory with a 6-3 victory. For the time being, as much as I would love to completely stop eating GMO products, at the time being they are still to vital in our society. Perhaps in the future they will diminish, maybe even completely.


Works Cited

Duvauchelle, Joshua. “Pros & Cons of GMO Foods.” LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Harmon, Amy. “A Lonely Quest for Facts on Genetically Modified Crops.”The New York Times. The New York Times, 04 Jan. 2014. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.

Paturel, Amy, and Robin Yamakawa. “The Truth About GMOs: Are They Safe? What Do We Know?” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.