Solar Cell Experiment

In Sustainability Energy and Technology we used photovoltaic cells in order to test the voltage produced at different distances and through different colored lenses. First here is some background information on photovoltaic cells. Photovoltaic cells convert light energy into electricity through a property known as the photovoltaic effect which causes some materials to absorb photons of light and emit electrons. The emitted electrons then produce an electric current which is known as electricity. This property was first observed in 1839 by Edmund Bequerel.

In the first series of tests the distance from the light source was increased and we observed what happened to the voltage as the distance was increased. Then in the second series of tests the distance remained the same, but different colored lenses were applied, and voltage was measured. It was observed that voltage decreased as the photovoltaic cell moved further from the light source, and voltage varied with different colored lenses.


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2 Responses to Solar Cell Experiment

  1. Cristian Koch says:

    The addition of the background information was nice. I’m sure it would help someone better understand this experiment and the explanation of the exp was clear. I would recommend having data that you collected to further demonstrate what you did.

  2. sbrocato says:

    i enjoyed how you gave us background information on the experiment itself. it made it more clear as to what was going on.

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