Monthly Archives: September 2011

Demand Responce

Every day we use electricity to light, heat, cool, pump music, run computers and generally control our indoor environment. The electricity we use is produced in a power plant it is then transformed to a voltage that can be used … Continue reading

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Fukushima Nuclear Disaster – The largest nuclear accident in History

The Reactor itself The Fukushima nuclear reactors consisted of four boiling water reactors or (BWR)’s. Built to produce energy. Heat from the reactor was used to boil water, which produced steam, which turned turbines that produced electricity. These reactors operated … Continue reading

Posted in HW | 3 Comments

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it under Manage>Posts or make a new one under Write>Posts then start blogging! Be sure to visit the Design tab to choose a new look for your blog as … Continue reading

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