Our lab was using computer program and ruler to measure the robot car’s distance on Friday, 1, 29,2016
We needed to compare the % of Error between using computer program and ruler to measure it.
The formula of measured the % of Error is:
Measured distance = dm
Calculated distance = dc
[ |dm-dc|\ [(dm+dc)\2] ] x 100%
Our material :
1: A ruler
2: The computer program
3: A Robot car
4: A notebook and a pen (markdown the data)
First step: We measured the long of Robot’s wheel.
The distance of wheel = 5.5 cm
The long of the wheel = 5.5×3.14
= 17.28cm
17.28cm = 1728mm
Second step:
Our team discussed to do the experiment for three times, and each experiment trail three time too.
Final Step :
Calculated the Error of each experiment.
Experiment 1:
Trail 1: [ |0.275-0.270|/ [(0.275+0.276)/2] ] x 100% = 1.84% Error
Trail 2: [ |0.270-0.270|/ [(0.270+0.270)/2] ] x 100% = 0% Error
Trail 3: [ |0.273-0.272|/ [(0.273+0.272)/2] ] x 100% = 0% Error
Experiment 2:
Trail 1: [ |0.257-0.253|/ [(0.257+0.253)/2] ] x 100% = 0% Error
Trail 2: [ |0.256-0.255|/ [(0.256+0.255)/2] ] x 100% = 0% Error
Trail 3: [ |0.256-0.255|/ [(0.256+0.255)/2] ] x 100% = 0% Error
Experiment 3:
Trail 1: [ |0.298-0.294|/ [(0.298+0.294)/2] ] x 100% = 1.3% Error
Trail 2: [ |0.299-0.293|/ [(0.299+0.293)/2] ] x 100% = 2.03% Error
Trail 3: [ |0.299-0.295|/ [(0.299+0.295)/2] ] x 100% = 1.35% Error
This is our team experiment of Robot wheel.
I enjoyed this experiment.