Mass VS Acceleration VS Power

We did a lab on Friday

This was measuring the force used to lift the masses.

We would did two parts for measuring.

1.Keeping the power level were same, and then changed the mass.

2.Keeping the mass level were same,  and then changed the power.

We train these two parts for 5 times, and saw the relationship between the acceleration with the mass, and the relationship between the power and the mass.

We started our lab.

First, we measured the height between the top to the base.

Height = 28cm = 11 in

Each mass is 20g and the large mass is 50g

But we set up the union 20g=0.2kg.

Second, we set up the power is 75,

then calculated the mass.

we stared second  table when we finished the first table.

We set up the mass is 0.15kg, then calculated the mass.

Third. we calculated the Law of conservation of energy

Potential energy = mgh

Finally, we calculated the average power used by the motor.

Power used= mgh/ time.

This was our data

Data of Mass and Acceleration and Power


This is a great experiment to learn the mass , power, and acceleration.


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