Solar Cell Lab

We had a lab on Friday

This is solar cell lab.

The first experiment: we used different distance to observe the light intensity and the voltage output of the solar cell.


understanding the relationship between light intensity and the voltage output of the solar cell, and relationship between the wavelength of light intensity and the voltage output of the solar cell.


  • One solar cell
  • One voltage probe
  • One NXT adaptor
  • NXT with light sensor
  • One light source
  • Labview VI
  • Ruler
  • Colored film filters
  • Excel sheet

Let’s start our experiment.

We checked 0cm distance first, and then 5, 10,15 and 20cm.

My team member was holding the flashlight, and keeping the flashlight and the solar cell had 0cm distance.

My work was controlled the Tabview VI.

We counted 3sec. And then,

I clicked the bottom to start calculation the data, and he turned on the flashlight at the same time.

We started to do 5cm distance when we finished 0cm.

After all the data came out.

I discovered the distance was big, the voltage output of the solar cell would decrease.

Experiment 2: we used different color to observe the voltage output of the solar cell.


Understanding how the different colored filters affect the voltage output.

We had four different colors of film filters; green, pink, red, and purple.

We did same part again, he hold the flashlight, and I clicked the bottom.

We did each color one times of 30 sec.

After all the data came out.

I put all the data on the excel sheet.

I discovered the red color had bigger effect of the voltage output, and pink was smaller effect of the voltage output.

This is my data sheet of the voltage vs distance, and vs colors.


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