With every issue, there will be those who support it, and those who choose to simply ignore it. Global Warming is no exception. There are many who deny the existence of global warming, including some respected scientists. Many corporations, especially those who profit off the very things that cause global warming argue that it’s simply a myth created by theories not facts. The Huffington Post states that a mere “57% of Americans believe global warming is related to human activities”. There are also many who claim global warming was created by the media, or liberal politicians attempting to make conservative’s look bad and win votes. John Coleman, known for founding “The Weather Channel” even called global warming “the greatest scam in history”. It’s absolutely insane that the founder of a major source of weather information finds himself able to deny it, when his company is the one reporting huge spikes in temperature and a record setting warm winter. It shows you just how willing people are to close their eyes to what’s directly in front of them. According to a New York Times Blog, “the world’s average land temperature has risen by about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since the mid-1950s”, a staggering conclusion that should prove skeptics how wrong they are. Sadly, even the numerical facts seem unable to sway most of the deniers.
Below, is an image of a Newsweek cover that discussed this very issue.
I find it amazing that even with so much evidence demonstrating just how real the global warming crisis is, people will still go on record denying its existence. It’s a terrifying thought that brings to mind a time in history where many Germans denied the existence of the Holocaust. American’s and everyone else in the world were horrified by this, yet they choose to ignore what history has taught them and turn a blind eye to the crisis of today. One must wonder, how many lives will have to be lost, how many species extinct before people will begin to recognize the truth of this crisis. And sadly, will it simply be too late? Below is an image of melting ice caps, and just below that, a polar bear. Will the ignorance and laziness of mankind lead these beautiful and amazing creatures toward their final days? Their numbers are dwindling… one can only hope we can save them in time.