Our class today included an innovative demonstration about alternative energy and electricity by Suffolk University Professor Tom Vales. The presentation began with a discussion about our world running out of coal and current energy sources, and the pressing need for alternative energy. The first example Mr. Vales demonstrated was a thermoelectric cooling and heating machine placed in water-filled coffee cups. One cup contained hot water and the other had cold water. When the poles of the device touched the two different water temperatures it created a voltage that harnessed its electricity onto a small fan, causing it to spin. Mr. Vales informed us that the device was named after Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, and is called a Peltier Junction Thermoelectric Generator.
In the image below, Mr. Vales shows us how he holds a light and generates beautiful electricity from the power grid.
Mr. Vales second experiment exemplified how a generator “generates” energy by moving hot air. His third examined how light causes magnets to move within two poles. When light hit the machine it caused it to spin by using magnets. Next, Mr. Vales talked about Nikola Tesela, the man who is responsible for inventing the power grid. Mr. Vales turned the power on the electricity tower he’d created, and when he held light bulbs out they both lit up. In his final experiment, he held a piece of wood with a light on it, and when it made contact with the sparks generated from the grid tower the light turned on. At the end of his presentation he showed pictures of him and his friends “playing” with electricity. His presentation was informative and interesting, and really demonstrated how creative ideas for alternative energy can be.
Below is a video of Mr. Vales presentation.
Alternative Energy and Electricity