Ephisians – Bernice
The Episians were written by the apostle Paul. During the time, Ephesus was in a bad economic state, so Paul goes there on a missionary trip, and gets thrown in jail because the Jews didnt like what he was saying. His teachings were to remind the ephisians of their commitment they have with god and remind them of his teachings. Paul wanted to make sure they werent sinning and to make sure who their god was, because they were making idols. I felt that this book was very interesting, because the Jews are seen as the villians in this context. From my knowledge, the only other place where the Jews are seen in a similar way is in the book of John.
1st and 2nd Timothy – Mark
These were letters from paul to timothy, about how the church should be run and how a good christian should behave. 1st Timothy seeks to establish how a good christian leaders and a good christian should behave. In addition, it also tells how we should pray more and how the bishops and deacons should behave. In 2nd Timothy, Paul is in Jail abandoned by most of his followers. He tells timothy how he should spread the word of christ, and that it doesnt matter who you are or where you come from, because god has a use for you.
A lot of people believe that Paul actually had nothing to do with the lettes and that they were written after his death. Even if that is the case, he teachings still matter and we should continue to take them to heart, because they are good teachings.
1 & 2 Peter – Shawn
These are the last 2 letter as meant of a last wish from peter to paul to quell non believers and to say that the second coming will come. They were written to keep people to their good values and to say how wives should treat their husbands. In 1 & 2 peter, it is the first time where satan is actually mentioned. In addition, there is also the mention of fallen angels. Though Shawn said that this was the first time where satan is referred to, I would like to point out that God also speaks with the devil/satan in the book of Job. Whether or not god actually says the name “satan,” god does speak with the devil.
Corinthians – Michelle
the purpose of this book was to answer a letter from the Corinthians to Paul, questioning his authority. It pointed out problems in the church and how it condemns sexual immorality and says that you may eat food dedicated to false idols, as long as it doesnt harm another christian. Though I am all for the freedom to do what you wish, I am a bit confused by this. Isnt the whole point of any religion that you strictly believe in their god? Even if eating food dedicated to an idol may not harm anyone, it does go against the entire idea of believing in one god. I did like the fact that it also said in this book that each person has a given talent and that they all contribute to christianity and have something to offer. I thought that this was a nice touch to add, and gives a sense of community.