Author Archives: swcheung

3/27 Class

After Andrew’s presentation, I was not surprised about the regional/climate differences that were discussed. Even living in the South Shore and commuting to Downtown Boston daily, I can remember on more than a few occasions when it would be snowing/raining on one side and sunny of the other. And this is only around a 15 mile radius, compared to a larger size such s NJ. – I appreciate the visual handouts very much. Hope that more visual will be presented in the future.

Just a random comment for all the bloggers, please consider leaving your name with your post..I can’t seem to find out who’s posting what – and it’s just nice to associate a person with their thoughts/opinions.


The Book Of Mark

I found it interesting how the book of Mark resembles that of Matthew. I did find it to have many parables. Jesus made it apparent that the parables were for those outside of the disciples (Mark 4.10-12). Compared to the book of Matthew it is extremely short in chapters.

“Evidence”/ video links

Hello all,
I’m sharing a link to the biblical stories that were on tv that i mentioned in class today. They are actually from the Discovery Channel, not the History Channel. The link for the Sodom & Gommorah story has three parts and can be found on YouTube and are named under: BIBLICAL MYSTERIES EXPLAINED SODOM AND GOMMORAH
Please view the link for part 1

This is highly suggested by me for viewing. Check it out…now!

Exodus 33:12-23 Moses’ Intercession

-Moses, the Lord

-Moses asked the Lord that in order for Moses and his people, the Israelites, to follow the Lord, the Lord would have to tell or show the people in person.  Moses seemed unhappy that the Lord never showed face in person to anyone, and that in order for the people to follow, he would have to do that.  The Lord explained that no one could see him in person, because the Lord told Moses that whoever sees his face would die.

-In turn, the Lord let only Moses  see his glory, but again, not his face.

2/1/12 Sue, Kia, Nicollete

Class Notes on Genesis

-Specific rules are given but chaos exists throughout the book of Genesis.

-It was a very disfunctional time/culture.

-Everything was all over the place; anything goes.

-First, as we are reading these stories in the Bible, we are shocked and surprised at the events.

-Most events seem gross and weird.