Author Archives: swcheung

Mark’s Timothy

This is by far the most entertaining presentation simply because Mark is knowledgeable but still jokes around. I hope that others found what he said as the end as enjoyable as I did when he said: WHO CARES? JUST FOCUS ON THE MESSAGE, NOT WHO WROTE IT. Classic. This is the only presentation not done in powerpoint. I appreciate that.

Katie, Mohamad, & Olivia

Katie’s Zephaniah
Powerpoint describes the day of doom. Saved if restoraton of faith was achieved. Also that if you did not beieve in god, which makes it not your god, how can you be punished.

Mohamad’s Zechariah
8 visions were presented in powerpoint slides.

Olivia’s Malachi
Cool presentation.


Andrew’s Hosea
This powerpoint presentation only had 4 slides. Hosea represented god. Gomer represented Israel, where she is evil and sinful. His three children had weird names like “Not Loved” and “Unloved.” Like that’s going to mak them into good productive humans.

Anne’s Amos
Powerpoint presentation showed that their were visions by Amos which were locusts, shower of fire, plumb line, basket of fruit, and the destruction of Israel. Also showed that gpod won’t stand for social injustices.

Kia’s Jonah
Powerpoint and presentation was overall good because it was relaxed and funny. Discussions of god being the bully or parent is interesting.


Nicolette’s Micah
I was shocked that this presentation had no visual. The presenter said that Micah was “preacher of truth.” It ws during times of Judah. It was for world peace and that individuals can lead to world peace. There were lack of trust amongst people. People whom believed in god were forgiven if they sinned. I thought that it was pretty much BS. So if a person sinned…killed…did all the bad things in the world, it doesn’t matter because they would be forgiven and gotten away with it. I found it funny just like I find people in jail that all of a sudden has “found god” and who carries around a bible all day after, and is considered a “changed man.”

Redgina’s Esther
Powerpoint presentation showed that Mordecair had letters signed by the king to permit Jews to be protected and to kill anyone that assaulted them. This led to what is now Passover. Interesting info about how to protect one, you have to kill another, or allowed to kill another.

Katherine A’s Proverbs
Powerpoint presentation showed that the purpose of proverbs was to teach wisdom to the audience. Wisdom is personified as a woman which is also known as “Lady Wisdom.” The presentation was very nice. I liked that it had all the characters on a list and also a breakdown of the chapters with brief summary for each chapter as well as the interpretations for each chapter.

Thomas M’s Lamentation
“The Boring Stuff” powepoint had a theme of “Of god, why?”

Nick A’s Daniel
Powerpoint presentation had only pictures and no writing as presenter lectured about the slides. We learned that Daniel was a dream interpreter. There were several dreams that were interpreted by people that I don’t even know they were able to interpret them. Were they psychoanalysts or psychologists??? I’m majoring in Psych, so this question is very important to me. Well the overall presentation explained that the story was to give hope to people.


Michelle’s Women & the Bible
This was a very short presentation and I honestly didn’t even have the chance to write any notess down and this is also due to the low vocal delivery.

Redgina’s Name of Israel’s God
I also had a difficult time hearing. But I was alert when it was mentioned that Yahweh’s name was originally unpronounceable. Very interesting. Why not? The same strange reason why people could not “see” him wiithout dying.

Nick P’s 1st Chronicle
Nick showed YouTube videos and had a powerpoint presentation. Showed Jewish is the best religion. I enjoyed the YouTube stories, but would of appreciated an original piece. I worked hard on mine and thought it was an easy way out showing work someone else did and showing it for others as your own work.


Waleska’s Text of the Bible
She discussed how the word passed down was not always the same. Also that religion evolved this the New Testament evolved.

Bernise’s Translation of the Bible
I found Bernise’s presentation to b very detailed and very informative. She had so much to share that she HAD to talk fast! But nontheless, there were much discussed: Everyone though that their versionn was from god. There were many translations. Paraphrase were use instead of direct translation. The most interesting thing said was that there were no bible for societies or people that did not have a translated version… Which makes me wonder, how about people that can’t read?

Hannah’s Ruth
Ruth was a few positive female figures/matriarchy present in the bible. Ruth was to make David look glorified and it was a prologue to David. It also gave a message of the importance of family. Good to hear that women are not portrayed as evil and whores like many other females are perceived in the book.


Elisa’s Joshua
Presentation discussed how Akon gets stoned for disobeying everything God says. How come the others do not get stoned for doing the same? Does God have favors? Why is this not problematic?
Other things discussed were God being a matchmaker for Christians. Also that Jews needs to renew faith because of their laxation. They built an altar to renew convenant…but is that not idoltry?

4/6/12 Class

Ideas were shared about essay-writing:
Timing of the speech and place of the speech.
1. Facts
2. Observations (i.e. light/dark, mountains, etc.) from phrases and words.
All these all turn into ideas for the thesis.
How do everything all tie in?

The class was about writing the Gabel essay. I really enjoyed composing essays for this class, because I have never been penalized for my essay title before!!! So I thought it was very challenging and it opened my eyes for writing differently now. Thank you, Professor S.

4/4 Class

Sean’s presentation suggested that the bible can be used only for hitorical references but not solid proof for anything. Ppl that followed other “gods” were not as favorably included within the bible as ones that follow the “right god.” Isn’t this considered bullying??? Only cool kids allowed, folks. It’s hard when societies, like America, promote freedom of religion, but have majority of its people contradict themselves. I can’t even walk around without feeling guilty when someone sneezes…should I say bless you…but not really mean it???

Tom’s presentation mentioned the Dead Sea Scrolls…I woud really like to further research this…He talked about the Egyptians worshipping a female deity, and I know the Egyptians are found of alot more others…Sun gods…ra-this, ra-that…etc…

Hannah’s presentation discussed the existence and belief of hell for the Christians and the non afterlife for the Jews. I always thought this is an interesting topic. Do people become religious just so that they can be rewarded in one way or another, or because they simpy believe it is the right thing to do? Let me bring up an example: Abraham. Was he really going to sacrifice and kill his son JUST BECAUSE? Did he think that it was wrong in some way? To me, it’s simply fear that drives most of us. Maybe it’s fight or flight. You either kill your son for sacrifice or you say HELL NO. Because what’s the worst that could happen if you do not kill your son? Someone dying? Does that make any sense…

3/30 Class/Presentation

This a bit late, but better than never.

I REALLY enjoy presentations or anything about the DOUBT or QUESTIONING of the Bible – not because I’m miserable and want to discourage peope in anyway…I just like to hear both sides of a story.

The presentation (by Nichollete) discussed the auhorship and works by Moses and that his alleged writings were not even done by him, but rather recorded writings someone else did on his behalf. This is proven by works alleged done by authors who have since long died. Dead people can’t write books. The question then is to ask: How do those people that wrote for him know what truly went down??? Word of mouth??? Rumor has it???

Have any of us ever played a little game in elementary school or elsewhere that required us to “pass a secret message to the next person” by whispering into their ears and this would go on around a circle? What happens at the end of this stellar activity is that seldomly is that particular “secret” that was passed down ever the exact message word to word at the very end.

The presentation aboout plagarism is super interesting for me. Suppose that it did not exist, but there are other things that existed that are far worst. Nowadays, ppl that plagarize will get some sort of punishment- lawsuit, failing, embarrassment, etc. PEOPLE KILL EACH OTHER FOR FUN back in the (bible) days! Yikes!