Author Archives: olivia

James Carroll+Book of Mark

The book of Mark tells all about Jesus. It tells of his life, work, and betrayal. I remembered reading passages of the chapters in church before. It was interesting to hear James Carroll speak to us about this book. I really enjoyed his lecture about the unjust blame on the Jews for the persecution of Jesus. I really connected to his idea of reading in context instead of just in text. I think if more people did this, there would be less religious despute. James really kept me engaged with his ideas and facts. He was very well informed and knew how to convey to us what his ideas were.

I really connected with his idea that violence is the root of human life and that is why it is so prevelent in the Bible. He added that violence is a big part of our lives and it is unescabable I agree with this. Violence is everywhere in our lives. For some people it is in their own homes. The violent acts against Jesus were the typical way someone would be treated back then. Jesus was not the only person to be persecuted. Persectution was the form of execution back then. While we may perform more “humane” executions today, the end result of death is still the same.

Overall I really enjoyed James Carroll’s visit. He was very engaging and informative and helped me to read the Bible in a more effective way.


Chapter 33 Verses 1-6 Command to Leave Sinai

Who: The Lord, Moses, the Israelites.

Where: Sinai.

When:  After God has sent the Plague on the people.

What: God is sending the Israelites out go Mt. Sinai to the land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Ideas Suggested: God calls the Israelites “stiff-necked people.” He is calling them dedicated followers to him and Moses. He says they are “stiff-necked” because they never turn away from their leader.



Olivia’s Notes

Problems with the Bible: Nick, Olivia, Waleska (with Hannah’s additions)

God is Spiteful, lots of repetition, Pharaoh’s name omitted, story jumps around, stories move too quickly, women are not highly regarded, incestual  relationships, scenes of rape, God’s favoritism.

Think About Actions: Nick, Olivia, Hannah

We think modernly towards incest and rape, no strict laws then, lots of sibling rivalry, compassion is missing, very competitive/favoritism, first born regarded higher, wives give servants to husbands easily.

Genesis Chapter 27

Facts: Isaac, now old and blind, calls to his older son Esau to hunt game. Isaac wants to eat and bless Esau before he dies. Rebekah overhears Isaac say this to Esau and then tells Jacob, her other son, that he must hunt the game to get the blessing from his father. Rebekah tells Jacob to get her two kid lambs so she can cook for Isaac. Jacob then tells his mother that Esau is a hairy man and that he is smooth of skin. He says that Isaac will know that Jacob was the one who is being blessed because of the way his skin feels. To confuse Isaac, Rebekah dresses Jacob in Esau’s clothing. The plan works and Jacob receives his father’s blessing. Esau is hurt by his brothers deceit, he both pretended to be the eldest, and stole the blessing away. Esau’s duty and obligation is now to Jacob. Esau hates Jacob. He is aware that his father is going to die soon so once that happens he wants to kill Jacob. Rebekah is informed this and warns Jacob to run until he is free of Esau and his plans.

Observations: Jacob gathers chickens instead of lambs showing his immaturity. Rebekah openly favors Jacob. The comparison of smooth to hairy skin between brothers shows age difference. Isaac is blind.

Ideas: The smooth versus hairy skin could show the comparing of age/masculinity between the brothers. The story is showing what it means to be a man. This story shows the gender role of women in the bible at this time. (villain, spiteful, cunning.)