Author Archives: nicollete

4/20 Andrew, Anne and Kia

The presenters did an awesome job with their presentations. I liked the detail and organization of each. I liked that Andrew used a map again in his presentation, because it was very helpful for visually seeing the locations he was explaining. The organization of his presentation was great! I liked Anne’s presentation and the organization. She did a great job going into detail on each section so we were able to clearly understand her chapter. Kia did a great job with using good pictures and good organization to form her presentation. She was very enthusiastic and a great speaker.

great job everyone!


-Nicollete ๐Ÿ™‚

4/18 Redgina, Katherine, Tom and Nick A.

I really liked the presentations from Wednesday! The power points were awesome and the presenters did a great job of engaging the audience with their power points as well as vocally. They showed interest and knowledge of their chapter. I learned so much from the presenters. The symbolism was very interesting in Katherine’s presentation. She was very enthusiastic during her presentation, which made it more interesting. I liked the pictures in Tom’s presentation; very funny and the organization of his presentation. Nick’s presentation was well organized and I liked how he separated and explained each vision and used pictures to help us visualize them. Redgina’s presentation was well structured and colorful.

You all did a great job!


-Nicollete ๐Ÿ™‚

Sue, Shawn, Tom and Hannah

The presenters did a great job today! Sue’s handout was very helpful in having a visual for us to follow during her presentation. The topics were very interesting so far and I am definitely learning so much information and thinking about some of the questions, ideas and topics mentioned during the speeches. The presenters today were well prepared, engaged the audience and were also very knowledgeable of their topics.

Great job!

-Nicollete =)

Kia and Mark

The presenters did a great job today. I liked how Kia’s chapter mentioned poetry and whether or not the prophets were indeed poets. I also liked the quote Mark mentioned, “don’t be mad at God, you obviously did something wrong,” which relates to how people are at any point in time and how we often times blame others instead of focusing on our own faults.

Kia and Mark both presented good information and were able to engage the audience and mention some things they noticed while studying their assigned chapters, which showed they went into more depth.

I liked that Kia also went back into the text during discussion and related a part of the reading to everyday life and Mark’s headline was clever!

Great job!

-Nicollete =)

First round of presentations!

I really enjoyed the presentations by Elisa, Katherine, Juanita and Andrew. They did a great job explaining their assigned chapters as well as using outside information to back up their presentations. They did a great job making eye contact, engaging the audience and showing they understood what they were presenting. I definitely learned so much from listening to each of them discuss their chapters. The map that Andrew used was very helpful to guide us through each section of the map and understand visually what he was describing. All of the speakers were very knowledgeable of their topicsย  and were able to teach the class this either knew or refreshed information!

Great job everyone!

-Nicollete =)

And I guess mine was pretty good too ๐Ÿ˜‰ haha

2/13/12 M 33.12-23 Moses Makes New Tablets

Moses made new tablets identical to the ones he previously broke. He did this while on the mountain of Sinai. Moses asks for forgiveness from God for the Israelites who previously worshipped the Golden Calf as their God, which was created by his brother Aaron. Moses calls the Israelites “stiff necked people,” stubborn, and asked for their forgiveness.

Reactions to Bible: Sue, Redgina, Kia and Nicollete

1. Women seen as property
2. Incest and considered okay
3. always have sons or at least mention them in the text rather than when girls are born
4. favoritism of children (oldest usually seen as the best)
5. sibling rivalry, hatred
6. spontaneous situations ocurring
7. Many strict rules they live by, such as the oldest daughter having to be married before the rest of the siblings.
8. Extreme authority of elders over younger family members
9. long life spans