Author Archives: mohamadrida


 What I think about “the Bible as literature” still does not give you all the meaning in the bible only if you know Hebrew, that bible has been written in Hebrew and you will know what the meaning is.


how did muses past a way?

what kind of religion does Abraham have ?

what we know is muses He is jewish and jesus he came from mother of jewish so how about abraham? because we dont have religion for him?

2 /13/12

33.7-11 Ten Outside Camp

Quote: “thus the lord used to speak to Moses face to face, us to speak to friend. then he would return to the camp; but his young as-sistant, Joshua son of Nun, would not leave the tent”. (Exod.33.11)

what i think is God treated Moses as friend to him.

thispassege has no idea and no suggestion.

Genesis 31


  • Jacob was going after his father god and he married two wife their name is Laban Rachel.
  • His father in law was disagree with him about his god
  • Angle came to his dream and told him to leave this land an come back to it in the birth
  • Rachel didn’t like god of Jacob



  • Rachel uses her period as a means of cheating Laban



  • I think Jacob should fight about his god and tell his father in law what is the right thing to do