Author Archives: Kat


From today’s presentations I learned a lot about how I have never thought about the landmarks,climate and those small details that are easy to skip when reading but at the same time tell a lot about the context of each story in the Bible.

Psalms 149,150 and David’s Farewell

When reading The Last Words of David, a few questions came in mind :

1) Were his words in this meant for the people of Israel?

2) David talks about ruling justly over his people, but has he really been a just ruler to his people of Israel?

3) At the very end of the short poem it talks about how the people that are godless are like “thorns that are thrown away” and “they are entirely consumed in fire on the spot”. Not sure in what context he is trying to say this.

Psalms 140 and 150 are connected in how they are meant to praise God for the goodness that he has done to his people of Israel.

1) It talks about executing vengeance on the nations, what nations?

Genesis 17

Facts :

-The Lord appears to Abram, then age 99, to make a covenant with him, his wife Sarai, Ishmael and all of  his slaves and servants. He wants to make Abram the ancestor of many nations. To make this covenant happen, all males surrounding and including Abram must be circumcised.

-The Lord makes it clear that Abram shall then be called Abraham and his wife Sarah.

-Sarah will bear a child at the age of 90, and his name will be Isaac.

-In the covenant,Ishmael, son of Abraham and Sarah is said to be the future father of 12 princes, and from him a great nation(Gn. 17:20)

Observations: Even with this great covenant that was being offered to Abraham, at one point he laughed and questioned the fact that a woman Sarah’s age would be able to bear a child and how this would be possible.

After Abraham’s doubt, the Lord confirms all the facts that He(God) once stated about the covenant with him and after God leaves Abraham, Abraham goes on to obey and complete his part of the covenant which was to circumcise the flesh of the foreskin of himself, his son Ishmael, and all his slaves and servants.