Author Archives: bernice


All did  a wonderful job on their presentations. i liked what Michelle said on how the women on the Bible were mainly used to embody the concerns of the males during that time. I also liked how she said women back then cannot teach us about  what occurred back then but about what they thought about.  Another presentation that i enjoyed was Nick’s presentation he made it very entertaining by using the videos.


All the presentations were great.  I liked what Waleska said about how scholars tried to go back and remove the text that was inserted by the printers. they thought that  if they went back in history and looked at the older translations it would bee easier to translate and  fix the text but found out that the texts back then were even more confusing. which can make one think how different our translations today are from those in the past, considering that words change meaning throughout the centuries.



All did an awesome job presenting.  Katie’s presentation was interesting. I have read Acts many times but never saw it in the perspective that Gabel seemed to portray. I was not aware that Acts was written without Paul’s letters and that the author either did not know about the letters or simply choose to ignore them.  I also liked the quote which was ” To teach and not to preach”, which seemed to be the  purpose of the book.  Also liked what she said about how Paul was the guy that was always giving orders and trying to separate Christians from Judaism but seemed  to be the kind of guy that would never take orders.  Another presentation that caught my attention was  Olivia’s presentation, i found the Septuagint interesting, I knew it was the translation of the Bible from Hebrew to Greek but i did not know that it was translated by 72 jewish elders into greek.


I think all of the presenters did a great job. One thing that caught my attention was when Sue said that  Abraham, Moses, and King David did not have Bibles to guide them. I had not really thought about that before. For some reason i  just always had in mind that the Bible just was and tended to forget that it had to be written.I never did pay  any attention to the dates in which the  books of the Bible were published. Which is to say dates do matter , at least when one is referring to the Bible. They help to better understand the text . Another fact i liked was what Shawn said  that the Bible was most likely molded to fit the needs of the people back then. It was not necessarily written as events actually happened  but most likely events were changed somewhat to meet the need of the people. Because of this the Bible can only be used as a second source history book.


Mark and Kia did a good job on their presentations. I found it interesting what Kia said about how the prophets books were mainly written in poems. I liked how Mark related his presentation on Job which gave the class a clear example, since we had already read and discussed the book in class.

Acts is completely different from any of the prophet books, and is not composed mainly in poetry. My favorite part of Acts was that even when the apostles were placed in jail God still found a way to free them and defy the Pharisees . (This can be found in Acts 5: 17-21) I found  this funny because it was like God saying , “hey you can’t mess with me”  you try to stop them from spreading my message well I will open the doors for them.


I think Nicollete did a great job. John and the of the books of the Pentateuch have some similarities . One been ,that in both cases the speaker is talking directly to others. In the Pentateuch Moses is talks directly to God’s chosen people and in John Jesus is talks directly to His followers .

The one fact that i did not know but found interesting was the fact that there is a dispute as to who wrote the Pentateuchs. I always thought it was Moses and I did not know that they were most likely written in 90 AD  which would have made it almost impossible for Moses to have been the author.


Andrew’s presentation made me look at Jesus crucifixion differenntly. Being a Christian I have learned all about the crucifixion of Jesus. But i never thought about the climate. Knowing that the climate was so hot  and that they barely had any rain makes me think of how bad Jesus had it when He was crucified. Not only was He forced to drag a cross around, and was whipped, but it was hot out making Him more fatigued and the journey worse.


To me Mark is a very interesting book of the bible that talks about the wonders Jesus did when He was alive. I am Christian and have been taught this stories various times as I grew up.  The only thing that I never paid any attention was the fact that the book of Mark was written by someone that was not actually there when this things happened. Nor did I pay attention to the fact that the book was written many years after the crucifixion of Jesus. Since I grew up in a Christian household to me the book of Mark shows the wonders and great things Jesus could do as the son of God. I have never questioned whether they were true or not I just believed God had all the power in the world and this things could be done  by Him only.  My favorite verse in the book of Mark and one that I think is hard to live up to is Mark 11: 25 ” And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses” ( Mark.11.25). One cannot always forgive those that harm one , but  one should try.


The book of Job is one of my favorite books.  I liked the fact that no matter how many trials the devil placed on Job he never renounced his God. He knew that there must have been a reason as to why God was allowing this things to happen. I admire Job because , yes he seemed to be distressed because he did not understand why he was being punished but he remained faithful to God. As he says in Job chapter 2 verse 10 , ” But he said to her, ” You speak as one of the  foolish women speaks . Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? ” In all this Job did not sin with his lips” (job.2.10).  For it is easy for one to be happy when everything is going one’s way, but it is hard for one to rejoice when one is not happy ; when things are not going one’s way.