4/4 Class

Sean’s presentation suggested that the bible can be used only for hitorical references but not solid proof for anything. Ppl that followed other “gods” were not as favorably included within the bible as ones that follow the “right god.” Isn’t this considered bullying??? Only cool kids allowed, folks. It’s hard when societies, like America, promote freedom of religion, but have majority of its people contradict themselves. I can’t even walk around without feeling guilty when someone sneezes…should I say bless you…but not really mean it???

Tom’s presentation mentioned the Dead Sea Scrolls…I woud really like to further research this…He talked about the Egyptians worshipping a female deity, and I know the Egyptians are found of alot more others…Sun gods…ra-this, ra-that…etc…

Hannah’s presentation discussed the existence and belief of hell for the Christians and the non afterlife for the Jews. I always thought this is an interesting topic. Do people become religious just so that they can be rewarded in one way or another, or because they simpy believe it is the right thing to do? Let me bring up an example: Abraham. Was he really going to sacrifice and kill his son JUST BECAUSE? Did he think that it was wrong in some way? To me, it’s simply fear that drives most of us. Maybe it’s fight or flight. You either kill your son for sacrifice or you say HELL NO. Because what’s the worst that could happen if you do not kill your son? Someone dying? Does that make any sense…

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