3/30 Class/Presentation

This a bit late, but better than never.

I REALLY enjoy presentations or anything about the DOUBT or QUESTIONING of the Bible – not because I’m miserable and want to discourage peope in anyway…I just like to hear both sides of a story.

The presentation (by Nichollete) discussed the auhorship and works by Moses and that his alleged writings were not even done by him, but rather recorded writings someone else did on his behalf. This is proven by works alleged done by authors who have since long died. Dead people can’t write books. The question then is to ask: How do those people that wrote for him know what truly went down??? Word of mouth??? Rumor has it???

Have any of us ever played a little game in elementary school or elsewhere that required us to “pass a secret message to the next person” by whispering into their ears and this would go on around a circle? What happens at the end of this stellar activity is that seldomly is that particular “secret” that was passed down ever the exact message word to word at the very end.

The presentation aboout plagarism is super interesting for me. Suppose that it did not exist, but there are other things that existed that are far worst. Nowadays, ppl that plagarize will get some sort of punishment- lawsuit, failing, embarrassment, etc. PEOPLE KILL EACH OTHER FOR FUN back in the (bible) days! Yikes!

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